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It was a long day for Mingyu. He went home for the weekend as his mom told him she misses his presence, and that their home feels empty without him. Mingyu thought it's gonna be a lot of work to spend two days and one night in their house, then go back to the dorms the day after, but he just couldn't ignore his mom's words.

"Are you sleeping?"

He glanced at his door's direction and his eyes meet his mom's. He smiled a bit and shook his head as his answer. His mom took his answer as a signal that she's welcome to enter his son's room. She then proceeded to Mingyu's direction and sat on his bed, beside Mingyu.

"How's life there?" Mingyu locked his phone as his mom's trying to make a conversation with him.

"I had a hard time, but now it's been going well." He answered, placing his arm behind his neck.

"I bet Soonyoung helped you made it easier." Her mom smiled sheepishly that made Mingyu's brows furrow as if it was automatic and on cue. "Eomma, you too?" Mingyu sighed as he chuckles.

"Why? Am I wrong though? Of course having him by your side was a big help." Mingyu cannot fight what his mom said because she was right. It was his first time being away from his family, meanwhile, Soonyung had been living away from his since they were senior high students.

Soonyoung had helped him a lot adjust, though others may think that it was easy for Soonyoung, Mingyu witnessed Soonyoung's hardships in the past years. As cliche as it sounds, Soonyoung had to leave their town to achieve his dream future for him and his family.

"You both are lucky for having each other." His mom added. Mingyu smirked, trying not to laugh, how could her mom say these things as if him and Soonyoung are getting married? They are just best friends.

With that statement, his mom left his room.

He won't deny, he's indeed lucky for having Soonyoung. Before he met his other friends, he only had Soonyoung first. They were both each other's shoulders to cry and laugh on. How Soonyoung tried to make him laugh in times he felt like not laughing, or how Soonyoung comforted him in times that he needed it, the more he thinks about it, the more he realizes how he cannot afford to lose his bestfriend.

He cannot live without him.

His train of thoughts were cut when his phone beeped, he quickly unlocked it and see who it was.

You went home? Why didn't you tell me?

His stomach crumbled and he doesn't know why. He was just thinking of his Soonyoung hyung seconds ago and now he received a message from him.

You weren't around
Where were you?

Yah! I'm the one who's asking.
Why didn't you tell me??!!

Where were you?????

Mingyu can't help but chuckle. It was true though, he was really gonna tell Soonyoung but the older wasn't around.

I'm so lonely here :(
You didn't tell me, how could you?
I could've tagged along :(

You'd just exhaust yourself
I myself am exhausted already
Just call the boys or something

Soonyoung must have visited his apartment, they live in the same building but different rooms, though Soonyoung often spend his time in Mingyu's.

I hate you

You love me
Take care, I'll be home tomorrow night

New phone who's this?

Mingyu just laughed at Soonyoung's reply and didn't bother to send him back a reply. He just locked his phone, planning to sleep already. He might sound dumb but he has this feeling that he him does not know where is it coming from.. Why does he miss his hyung?

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