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Charlotte couldn't quite grasp the idea of Paulina being alive and well. She had so many unanswered questions, doubts that Elena wouldn't even know what her ancestor looked like but Damon confirmed it, voicing his utter shock but above all, how would she greet her? Would she hug her, knowing that she was on Elijah's side to kill Elena? Would she be speechless, most likely?

Would Paulina want to see me?

"She ripped his heart right out of his chest and walked over it like it's nothing," Elena recalled, shaking her head as she tried to get rid of the memory stuck in her head.

"Paulina wouldn't...," Charlotte paused, running a hand over her face, she shrugged, "Or maybe she would. What do I know about her, anymore? What does she know about me except that I drove a stake through her fiance's heart? Real class."

Elena patted Charlotte's shoulder, giving it a small squeeze, "I am sure it will clear up soon."

She sighed, placing her head in her hands, "And now Stefan is stuck in the tomb with Katherine and everything is going to hell now...I just can't function."

The Gilbert hesitated, rubbing the back of her neck before she blurted out, "Do you still feel something towards Stefan?"

Charlotte looked up at her, processing the question. She ran her tongue over her bottom lip before inhaling sharply, "Yeah...he is my first friend in the whole world. The things I had with Stefan are the ones you can't erase or pretend they didn't happen."

"I will be honest with you...," The brunette vampire trailed off, laying her back on the bed's headboard, "I guess I will always love him, now and then don't hold that much difference...I am just not the same Charlotte he had loved back then. He deserves better, someone like you, Elena."

Elena's lips parted, attempting to cut in before Charlotte shrugged her shoulders, "I am basically damaged goods and you two have way more chemistry than we ever could have." That was a lie, Charlotte knew that but she felt if lying would keep the two of them happy then it won't hurt.

"Charlotte, you are not damaged goods by any means," Elena shook her head, denying so, "But I do appreciate your honesty with me."

eunoia, 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐅𝐀𝐍 ¹ ✔Where stories live. Discover now