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-This one is a bit longer-

You turn around to face the street, now light from the glow of the sun over the horizon. It feels warm on your face.

Feels nice after all that snow, you think to yourself. You make your way down the short sidewalk that leads to the street, turning right and walking around the Apartment building to the back parking lot. You go to the shed in the back corner and open it, revealing your bike. The scent of sawdust and mice hits your face and you cough a few times, waving your hand in front of your face. You grab your bike and haul it out. A shovel that was leaning on the bike falls, but you put your foot out and stop it from hitting the ground. You breathe in sharply. You look down to see that the metal end has hit your foot. You curse under your breath and push the shovel back into the shed. You swung your leg up over your bike and got on. As you placed your feet on the pedals, a burst of pain shot up your leg. It was the one that caught the shovel. You winced and took it off the pedal.

Well, shit... You think. You sit on your bike for a moment, thinking of something to do. You finally decide to deal with the pain and ride your bike anyway. You put your foot back on the pedal, and it explodes with pain again. You grit your teeth and pedal anyways, making your way down the street and around the corner.

Out of breath and in pain, you walk your bike up the large hill. As you continue up the sidewalk, the large building comes into view.

So that's U.A, huh? You think. The four pillars that make up the sides of the wall loom higher than your apartment building. You gaze up at it in awe before finding a secluded spot and hiding your bike there. You couldn't find anywhere to lock it to so you decided to hide the bike was the next best option. You jogged around to the front of the building where many other people your age were gathering. You looked for Shoto within the crowd. He usually stood out, considering how tall he was, but this time you couldn't make out anyone in particular in the crowd. Suddenly, a loud voice came from behind you.

"Move it, extra." A tall boy with spiky hair shoved past you.

"Hey! Who are you calling extra?" you remarked. The boy stopped dead in his tracks and spun around to face you. His face contorted into a snarl. Your eyes widened and you hesitated.

"Listen here, idiot. You-" He pointed at you and walked toward you."-Are gonna stay out of my way, or I will blow you to bits. Got it?" He pushed you back a bit. You laughed.

"How about YOU stay out of MY way. I'm not scared of you and your weak quirk." You smirked as he turned bright red. He put his hand up, palm facing you. You quickly ducked down and kicked his legs out from under him. You winced as you put your weight on your bad ankle. He landed with a grunt. He looked like he could have murdered you, but his eyes betrayed his surprise. You laughed and walked the opposite direction, careful not to look behind you. You walked to the back of the crowd and stood on your tiptoes. You were only 5'5, so height wasn't an advantage. You looked around for something to stand on and saw a rock close by. Jogging over to it and climbing on top of it, you turned to face the crowd again. Your jaw dropped. There were hundreds of kids there of all different kinds. You furrowed your brow and scanned the crowd for Shoto's recognizable hair.

You had almost given up when you saw a flash of red and white a few feet away from the busiest part of the crowd. You grinned and started making your way over. You had been trying to avoid the thickest part of the group for the time you had been there. You hated being in such a crowded area, especially when most of the people there were taller than you. After dodging and ducking under wings and tails for what seemed like forever, you finally saw Shoto standing in front of you. You were about to walk over to him, but you hesitated. You saw him being crowded by a group of girls about your age. He was slowly backing away from them while talking nervously. You frowned. He hated being crowded just as much as you did. You made your way over to him and pushed a few of the girls out of the way. You could practically feel the relief coming from him when he saw you.

"Hey, Todoroki. Thought I saw you over here." You said, smiling your most charming smile. "One of my friends is where I want you to meet." You overheard the girls whispering as you hooked your arm through his and started pulling him away. He nodded and let you lead him through the crowd and away from the chaos.

Authors Note- 875 words, big one. Sorry for the huge gap in updates, school started and that took my focus away for a while. Ill try to be updating at least twice a week, or at least every weekend. If you've actually read this, thanks! I've got big plans for the future. -End Authors Note

Why try to be good? (A My Hero Academia story)Where stories live. Discover now