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You led Shoto to the back of the crowd.

"Thanks. That was hell." He said as you carefully unlooped your arm from his.

"Yea, sorry I wasn't there sooner. There are way too many people here. I've been looking for you for 15 minutes." You say, cracking your knuckles. He watches your hands while you do so and frowns.

"Wha- oh shit." You say, dropping your hands to your side. Shoto started, but you interrupted. "I know I know if I keep doing that I'm gonna get arthritis and my hands will be useless bla bla bla." You say, waving a hand at him. He smiles and looks around. You realized that you had been favoring your leg this whole time after the fight with that angry kid. While he wasn't looking, you tentatively put weight on it. A blast of pain ran up your calf and you cringed. Shoto turned back to you just as you recovered.

"I think they are gonna call groups to go to the arena soon." He nodded toward the school. You stood on your tiptoes to see over all of the people. You gasped as you saw who was upfront.

"Oh my god. Is that Present Mic?" You said to Shoto. He smirked.

"Yea. And looks like Nezu and Eraserhead are with him." He said. Your eyes widened as you saw the three of them. They were talking to a few other heroes that were standing upfront. You watched as Nezu looked at his wrist and signaled Present Mic. He smiled before turning and facing the crowd.

"HELLOOO FUTURE STUDENTS OF U.A. HIGH!" he yelled, an amplified voice filling the entire area. You felt bad for the people upfront.

"It is so great that you all decided to come out today and take the entrance exam for this school!" It seemed that he couldn't smile any larger than he already was." Momentarily, My friend Aizawa will call out the group that's 1st up to compete. When your name is called, please come up on stage and wait until the names are finished being read!" he said. You looked at Shoto with uncertainty.

"What if we aren't in the same group?" You whispered to him.

"I'm sure we will be." He said. You looked at the concrete, thinking for a moment, then back up as Present Mic started talking again.

"This is a test of your strength, so don't be afraid to use your quirk to its fullest potential! And as always..." He paused, looking around. "PLUS ULTRA!" He practically screamed. You watched as he stepped aside and Aizawa stepped forward. He held a single piece of paper in his hands. He looked out at the crowd with a blank stare, then looked down at the paper.

Welcome to the U.A Entrance exam. I will now read the names of group 1. Please come on stage when your name is called." He said with the most monotone voice you had ever heard in your life. You looked at Shoto, furrowing your brows.

"Good luck, I guess." You said, looking down at the concrete. Shoto glanced at you. He pulled you into a hug. Your eyes widened. He wasn't usually the affectionate type, ESPECIALLY not to friends or family.

"Your gonna be fine, we're both gonna get in." He said. He let go and looked at you for a moment. "I know you're worried about it. We both have something to lose today. You have your mother/father, and I have my family." He said, looking at the concrete. "We both might lose family today if we don't make it. But I promise you, we will." He said. You looked at him and then looked back at Aizawa. He hadn't quite made you feel 100% better, but at least he tried. Aizawa shifted his gaze from the paper to the crowd. He sighed.

"Shoji Mezo." You watched as a tall person walked on stage and stood next to Aizawa. He had 6 arms and a mask on his face. Your eyes widened, and you remembered how nervous you were.

"Kirishima, Eijiro" You watched as a kid with bright red hair walked on stage. He looked up at The tall kid and gave him a thumbs up.

"Midoria, Izuku." A boy with green hair nervously walks on stage and stans a few feet away from the other 2.

"Todoroki, Shoto." The crowd gasps and you look at Shoto. His eyes have gone wide as he looks around. You quickly pull him into a hug and push him forward. The crowd has gone so quiet you could hear a pin drop. As he walks away from you and through the crowd, they part like the red sea. He walks up the stairs to the stage and stands beside the red hair kid. He looks at you with no expression from the stage. You look around you at the crowd. Some of them have their mouths open in awe, while some of them look at him with anger in their faces.

Huh, guess they all know the Todoroki family too. You had expected it, after all, his father was the #2 heroe in Japan. Aizawa snapped everyone from their trance.

"Bakugo Katsuki." You watched as the boy who had tried to attack you earlier walk up on stage. You could tell he thought highly of himself by the way he walked. He sauntered up the stairs and elbowed the kid with the green hair from before. The kid winced, and Bakugo smirked. He brushed past Shoto and came to stand on the opposite side of the tall guy from earlier. Shoto looked at him, then back at you. You shrugged your shoulders.

Aizawa called out a few more names, but you hadn't been paying attention. You were worried that there were only a few spots left in group one. You glanced on stage again and realized that there were about 70 people up there. Shoto looked at you and frowned.

"Y/n L/n," Aizawa called. Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped open.

I made it. You thought as you took a few steps forward, but you had forgotten about your bad ankle from earlier. As you put your weight on it, your knee buckled and you stumbled. You caught your balance on a nearby rock. Your head snapped up to look around you to see if anyone had noticed. A few people near you looked at you with concern but quickly forgot over the excitement of the moment. You realized that no one cared enough to pay attention. You quickly regained your composure and continued up the path that led to the stage.

You felt hundreds of eyes on you. You looked at the stage to try to find Shoto but were met with the glaring red eyes of Bakugou instead. He looked like he could have obliterated you on the spot. You made your way up the stairs, breaking eye contact with him and looking toward Shoto instead. You walked up and stood next to Shoto, then looked out at the crowd. You saw hundreds of pairs of eyes on you. You smirked as a strange feeling of power crept over you.

This is going to be fun.

Authors Note- 1173 words holy fuck. Sorry, next chapter it gets interesting. Chapters might be a little longer from here on out, just fyi. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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