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   Marriane rubbed her hands together as she walked by the great garden. The flowers were usually a great attraction for her as she admired nature's beauty always. But tonight more things were on her mind.
   She pulled her jacket over her shoulders as the 10th month's evening cold got to her. she immediately cursed herself for not wearing thicker coat over her dress.
   "Tsk Tsk." She heard the sound and turned immediately to where it was coming from. A firm hand wrapped around her wrist and pulled her into the shadows.
  Marriane gasped but the sound was lost in the mouth that covered hers in a fervent kiss.
  She was frozen with shock at first and didn't respond but that quickly changed as her body recognized the scent and shape of the male body against her.
   Eason. She mentally sighed as her body heated up at the feel of him. Her love.
   Marriane forgot everything she came to say for those seconds. Eason slowly pulled away and pressed his head into her shoulder.
  "I missed you." He whispered gruffly before looking up to meet her hazel eyes with his green ones.
  His face was handsome and she could stare at him forever. Her hands shook as she lifted her hands to caress his face. His brown skin that looked dark in the shadowlight that filled their little corner. Noone could see them here. They were safe.
"Are you alright?" Eason asked his lips turning down as he took him her serious expression.
  Marriane shook her head. " We have trouble Eason."
"Did someone find out about us?" He asked.
Marriane shook her head again. "My cousin, the Queen is arranging a marriage alliance for me." She said in a tight voice.
Eason's face fell. "I can't lose you Marri." He said fervently.
Marriane closed her eyes. "I can't lose you either."
"Then run away with me." He said after a small pause.
  Her eyes flew open. "You know the law. You have not courted me. If we run it will be proof that we have had an illicit relationship and the Chaste ones will come after us. We will be killed." The Chaste ones were knights who were sworn to enforce the laws that were against female immorality. The Great Goddess was considered pure and all women were supposed to emulate her in Sacks. If a couple were caught in an illicit, unsupervised relationship the male would be whipped for leading a female to son but the woman would be uttey shamed and forced to do one year of penance in order for her to be purified.
" Not if we run hard and fast."
"I can't live my life on the run." She said.
,"You mean you don't want to leave your luxuries behind." Eason said harshly.
"Luxuries? I am like a prisoner here. My cousin is Queen but she hates me. I am sure she will delight in torturing me if we get caught."
Eason sighed. "Sorry."
"Perhaps we should stop seeing each other. It is not safe."
"No." Eason said. "I love you and we will find a way. Love conquer all."
  Marriane didn't believe it but his hope gave her hope. She prayed to the Goddess that they would be OK."

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