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  "My lady, prince Erys will see you now." The servant said to Marriane and she nodded absently.
   Marriane and Eason's plans were coming together. He was already asking discreetly for a train that would take them to Asters or anywhere close to the west.
  "My lady." A deep voice said behind her.
  Marriane turned sharply in shock and nearly tripped. Only years of training in poise kept her standing.
"Forgive me." Prince Erys said. "I didn't mean to startle you."
"There is nothing to forgive. I lost myself in thought."
  The prince inclined his head. He stepped forward and smiled. "The view is very beautiful, no?"
Marriane nodded.
"It is." She eyed the wide expanse of fields that she had been looking at through the window but paid no attention to.
"You know, all over the continent Saxos is known for its beautiful gardens and natural sites. In the old days it was believed that your Goddess blessed some of your waters with healing properties."
Erys commented, his dark eyes surveying the area with curiosity.
  Marriane couldn't help but smile back when he turned to her with a smile. "Do you think it worked?" She asked.
Erys smiled. "Men believe what they want to."
   She nodded at that but something he had said earlier came to her mind 'your Goddess." Erys was from the southern part of the Continent and his people worshipped a sea God known as the Father of Waters.
    It was not odd as they were a seafaring country.
  Erys spoke again. "It seems we are to be married."
  Marriane shivered. "Yes." She had to force the words out.
  Erys moved forward and gently grasped her hand. "I promise you, my lady that you will be safe with me and never have to suffer. If you wish to continue with your faith in my home you will be provided with all you need for it."
   Guilt filled Marriane as she let her hand lie limply in his firm but gentle grip. He was a nice man obviously and she wished she could be in love with him but even the thought of telling Eason that they were over filled her with pain.
  He was her love and her best friend. It was him that had kept her sane all through the years after her mother's death.
   Marriane opened her mouth to speak but was stopped by the ringing of bells. Time for evening prayers.
  "Forgive me my Lord....."
"No worries." Erys replied.
   Just then the door opened and a tall man came through. He was dressed casually but walked with a soldier's Grace.
"Prince Erys. Lady Marriane." He greeted with a bow. He turned to Erys.
"Your highness,the Queen requests your presence at evening prayers if you are willing."
"Of course." Erys answered. "My lady this is Admiral Triton. One of the best men on our fleet."
Marriane curtsied. "A pleasure."
  Triton peered at her with eyes that came off as hawkish. "The pleasure is all mine. Your beauty is spoken of all around the Continent, my lady."
  Marriane blushed and Erys patted Triton's shoulder. "Don't try to woo my fiancee with your sweet words."
   "I must take my leave, sirs."
  His words  had her walking back. With a quick curtsy Marriane gestured at her servant Irah who stood by the side watching quietly.
   Together with her in front they both left the room.
   Marriane's head refused to let her be as one thought persisted. She was a sinner. Betrothed to one man and in love with another.
  She kissed Eason the other day, had she cheated on Erys. Marriane had tried to be good all her life but love was making her a sinner.
   She was going to die. The Chaste Ones would chase her and Eason and have them both executed.
   Fear had her feeling sick and she abandoned her servant to throw up in a bowl as soon as she was in her quarters.
   A hand offered her water and she saw that it was Seera.
"My lady, are you alright?"
  Marriane nodded and looked up to see Irah watching her suspiciously.
"Hurry, we must all be at evening prayers." Marriane said.
  The palace temple was full of people when Marriane got there. Both servants and nobles alike.
  She took her place of honor besides the Queen and King. Werwyn gave her a cutting glare for her tardiness.
   Prince Erys sat there but looked uncomfortable. He gave her a nod of acknowledgement and she nodded back.
   The prayed began and the palace High priestess led the prayers with her assisting acolytes behind her all of them in white robes except for a line of bright green hemming.
   The Goddess represented purity and fertility. The first Saxosites to worship her were two young brothers.
  According to the stories, their mother died and when they were starving to death a woman appeared to them and fed them. She cared for them. People said she was the most beautiful woman to ever walk the Earth and with the kindest heart.
   When the boys were older, the woman saw that they were in need of companionship and she grabbed a handful of dust and threw it into the sky saying. "Take what ever comes down."
What came down were two women who would continue her work in caring for the brothers. After that the woman disappeared but the brothers and their descendants continued to Revere her as the Mother of All Life.
  One of brothers would become the first King of the scattered group of people who would one day be known as Saxos.
   Marriane sneaked a glance at Erys who seemed surprised at the story the high priestess just told.
   Probably at Werwyn's request for the prince benefit.
  The smell of beautiful flowers filled her nose as they all knelt for the prayers.
   "Mother of All Life we are your children. Guide us, teach us, let your heart be ours. We are your children."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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