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   Marriane sank into the bathtub as her maid, Seera washed her hair with strong but soothing rubs.
   Today was the day prince Erys of Atlantia would arrive in Lox,the capital city of Saxos.
   Atlantia was one of the four great cities of Astuare, which included Pacifio, Artios, and Indos. Each of the cities were ruled by a prince.
   Astuare was a greater country than Saxos and held the strongest Navy in the continent. Saxos only had one great city. The other parts were mainly small regions and villages that were ruled by governors who answered to the crown.
   Marriane knew the alliance with Atlantia would be essential to the growth of Saxos as there would be a great help in the war against Asters, a rising power in the western part of their continent.
  But knowing didn't make acceptance any easier. A part of her wanted to rebel but she had no idea what to do.
  Eason was right when he said she was pampered. All her nineteen years of life she had spent here in Lox. She was thoroughly under the Queen's thumb as she owed Werwyn her gratitude for keeping her here as an esteemed occupant of the court.
   Seera helped her out of the water and handed her the robe after she toweled herself off.
   She sat in front of her mirror and looked hard at her reflection. She was often hailed as the most beautiful woman in all the court although she thought that was simply flattery.
   Her skin was a dark brown and smooth. Her face oval in shape with round,wide, hazel eyes, a small nose and full lips. Her hair was long and dark.
   Seera came to stand behind her and wrinkled her nose. "Why are you so deep in thought, madam?" She asked.
   Marriane shrugged. "What do you know of Prince Erys."
   Seera pressed her lips together. "I don't know anything really."
   Marriane snickered "you servants share gossip more than anyone else. I believe you know something."
  "It is just talk, madam. They say he is a nice man, good to his servants. I believe he will treat you right."
  "The marriage alliance is not sealed yet. Monarchs can be fickle. It is not finalized until the priestess announces it so." At least Marriane hoped so.
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    Seera dressed Marriane in a beautiful and modest blue dress as blue was the colour of Saxos flag.
   Women in Saxos were always encouraged to be modest in their dressing and to not use their Goddess given beauty to tempt men into sin. That meant that all women of Werwyn's court always wore fully covered dresses including the Queen herself.
   There was a time long ago when it had been Marriane's greatest wish to join the Order of The Goddess's daughters. Women trained to be priestesses of the Goddess.
    She smiled to herself when she remembered her younger self pestering her mother over it.
   Mother had smiled and stroked her hair. "You will feel differently when you grow up and fall in love, then you will want to get married."
  "Never." She had replied vehemently. But now she understood her mother's words. She wouldn't marry the man she loved though. She was not brave enough.
  Banishing those thoughts from her head she walked bravely to the throne room.
   Werwyn sat on the throne and her husband the King consort Moran sat at her right hand side. On his face was a bored expression that said he would rather be anywhere but here. With his wife ruling with strength the King who had been married for his wealth and high status had almost no power.
   Surrounding the rulers were the four advisors who assisted Werwyn in her rule.
   The court was a sedate and morose one. Guards were everywhere and some of them had the symbol of the rose on their breasts. A sign that they were one of the Chaste Ones.
   The court announcer called out. " Welcome Prince Erys of Atlantia   to the court of Queen Werwyn CarDaughter and her most Noble husband King Marron FenSon.
   Prince Erys retinue marched into the court. Marriane assumed he was the man in the middle as he wore a crown on his head.
   She felt antsy as she watched him. What would he be like would she have to marry him. Questions, questions. She only prayed they would be answered soon.
( Hey guys it's Mimikris9. I hope you are liking the story please drop comments on your thoughts and your votes will be appreciated. Don't forget to follow me and remember I follow back. Love y'all.)

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