The Second Summer & A Clue

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Zhao Yunlan was able to return the following summer with his parents.

This time he was prepared to investigate the place, just like one of those shows he had watched on TV. He knew what to do and what not to do.
Since, he was currently obsessing over a few shows that included ghost hunting, detectives and a lot of action. He was under the impression that, the knowledge he got from the TV, would help him uncover the mystery of his summer home.

The fourteen year old Zhao Yunlan was confident enough to speculate that there was someone or something with him last summer and he wanted to find out who or what it was.

During the school year, Zhao Yunlan paid hardly any attention in class. His mind wandered back to the beach. It was a miracle that he somehow managed to pass the grade and joined his classmates for the upcoming school year.
He hadn’t told anyone about that day. He thought of telling his friend, Da Qing, but he might not believe him and kept his thoughts to himself.

And now, Zhao Yunlan was back. He was ready to uncover its secrets.

Unfortunately for him, there was going to be a typhoon later in that area. Zhao Yunlan and his parents had no time to evacuate from the summer house and stayed put instead.

Which meant that, he couldn't explore the beach for a while.

But that didn't stop the bull-headed Zhao Yunlan.

The next  morning after the typhoon had hit, Zhao Yunlan was supposed to stay in the house until his parents gave the all-clear. Instead, he sneaked out of the house and explored once again.

Zhao Yunlan regretted not taking a jacket with him, since it was incredibly windy that morning. He rubbed his arms to get warm while he slightly shivered through the cold and gloomy weather.

On the bright side, he found a lot of things that got washed up on land. A few dead jellyfish and a dead shark. Well, it seemed dead anyways…

Zhao Yunlan slowly approached the shark and had the intention of examining it, until he unexpectedly heard someone shouting.

“Don’t!” A shrill voice shouted.

Zhao Yunlan stopped and looked around to see the shouting culprit. But, evidently, no one was there.

It couldn’t have been his parents. They were still inside the house, sleeping. And they also forbade him to go out.


And that voice sounded young. It was definitely a male’s voice. But who was it?
Zhao Yunlan wasn’t expecting any visitors or any visiting relatives. He hardly knew any of them anyways.
It couldn't have been the neighbors, they lived far away from this area. Which made Zhao Yunlan wonder...

He couldn't have been daydreaming. The voice he had heard, seemed so real.

He took a deep breath and sighed. He was getting more curious by the minute.

His eyes landed on the shark and realized the not-so-dead shark was still alive, well, barely.
It had been moving and "jumping" around. It had opened its jaws, revealing its terrifying sharp teeth.

Zhao Yunlan hurriedly went back to the house and woke his parents up, telling them that a shark got washed up on the shore.
His parents looked at each other and back at Zhao Yunlan. His father went out with him, holding a phone in his hand.

“We’ll discuss your behavior later.” Zhao Yunlan’s father said coldly as they walked on the beach.

When his father saw the shark on the shore, he immediately called for someone concerning this type of problem.

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