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That night, Gon didn't catch a lot of sleep.

A certain clown had fogged his mind.

He was more than just ashamed. The Man, who had killed so many people and was this cruel, had managed to under Gon's skin.

Well, he was one to talk.

Over the years he'd killed a lot of innocent people too, slaughtered and eliminated them.

His long silky hair was laying across his bare chest and his muscles twitched every time the strains touched a sensitive spot.

„Damnit. What happened to me?", he asked himself.

„Am I really gonna play into the games of that terrible man?"

He didn't know the answer.

All he knew was, that he needed a distraction.

A hookup.

His next few days were free, so he decided to look around the city a bit.

But because he fell asleep at 5 am, he woke up at 5 pm the next day.

„Fuck, this sucks. If I sleep any longer, I'm going to waste my days off."

He got dressed quickly and left the heavens arena.

He wore a white tank top, form fitting green leather pants and black combat-boots.

„So, where to now?"

He spent his whole afternoon at a café and drank an alarming amount of coffee with milk.

The entire time people, especially girls had been staring at him. They had been talking about his body and his face, his eyes and that sharp jawline of his.

The black haired man really did attract women. Too bad they weren't his type.

He was into men. There were only a few women, whom he found attractive.

Small and cute women whom he had to protect. The rest wasn't really his thing. Gon tried to think of the perfect place to get laid.

It was definitely a night club.

He picked a fun looking place and went inside. The guards didn't even bother to check him or talk to him. He wondered why they were like that. Maybe because of his massive aura or his appearance?

Every bit of space in this club was taken by drunk men and women who wanted to escape their lives for a night. The waitresses wore nothing but underwear and multiple ones offered Gon some „Candy", which was probably LSD or some shit.

He always politely declined and kept strolling through the crowd until he reached the bar.

„What can I do for you?", the guy behind the bar asked.

„Can you get me a coke?", Gon asked.

„A coke? The waiter looked like he had no idea what Gon was talking about."


"Nope, just a coke."

"Well..." The waiter opened a little dusty bottle.

"Here you go, Man."

"GooOOOoon, it's you. How fun."

The man turned around to see his last night visitor.

"Throw that away. He'll get a whiskey on the rocks", a deep manly voice spike from behind Gon.

"Hisoka!? Why the hell do you keep following me?!", the young man exclaimed.

"This is MY club, I think you're following ME around", Hisoka chuckled.

"I can't believe it...", Gon sighted.

"I just wanted to get laid."

"Well, little boy, I'm still here." The magician smiled mischievously.

"Not in a million years, old man."

The man sat down right next to Gon and the waiter brought their drinks.

After the black haired man hadn't touched his glass, Hisoka grabbed it and took a sip.

"See? It's not poisoned." He handed it to the young hunter. "You can have a taste yourself now."

Gon still didn't know if it was smart to trust Hisoka, but something told him, that if Hisoka wanted him dead, he would be dead.

"Fine, if you insist", he replied and drank it.

He waited a few seconds and after nothing happened he finally relaxed a bit more. Well, he relaxed as much as one can, next to the grim reaper himself.

It was already getting pretty late and the men had been dancing for a few hours.

They decided to go to a 24/7 diner.

Gon craved a Burger and some fries, so they got them.

"So, You wanna tell me why you're dressed like that?" Gon mentioned his unusual outfit.

"What's wrong with it?", Hisoka asked.

"Well, it's almost too simple." Gon took a closer look at the magician. "Where are the cards and the heels? Where is that iconic hair updo?"

The pale man just smiled.

"That was almost 8 years ago. When I was younger that stuff suited me better. Now, I think I looked rather ridiculous in that stuff." He looked down at himself. "Sometimes I wonder why people were even scared of me."

"I think you looked so damn iconic. I always loved the way you dressed." A shy smile spread over Gon's lips.

Hisoka's POV:

"Love...", mumbled the clown, lost in his own thoughts.

He really just said that, hadn't he?

So, even though, back then, Hisoka was out for Gon's head, the boy had admired him?

Butterflies started to flutter in his stomach and Hisoka felt rather uneasy.

He hated them, those damn butterflies.

Back then, the magic man found the little boy so damn attractive, that he even considered being a pedophile.

Hisoka didn't know anything about love or friendship.

He couldn't express those unfamiliar feelings.

After they separated, the butterflies died and the clown was back to normal.

But now, as he looked at the grown man in front of him, they were alive again.

The butterflies were on fire.

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