Dont let the wolf into your bed

651 26 15

But it seemed like the odds were against them.

Gon's next fight was tomorrow and his opponent was Hisoka.

It was not like they still wanted each other's heads, but the young man still felt like this was his chance to show the magician how much he had improved.

He still didn't think, he could reach Hisoka's level, but he could definitely beat his ass.

Memories from their last fight at Heavens Arena came back.

Back then Gon wanted to land a punch at the magic man's face.

And give him back his number.


Since the day he managed to steal it from Hisoka, the number had become something special.

Every time he saw or heard it, images of the grim reaper flashed trough his head.

His trademark tear drop and star.

His red, fluffy hair.

The lips, he'd always licked.

Those, piecing, golden eyes who almost glowed in the dark.

And his unique style.

The way he used to look at Gon, the way he spoke.

He mesmerized everything about the magician.

Hisoka hadn't been the obsessed one, Gon had been.

All along.

The attraction had come from both sides.

His friends never noticed, even Hisoka didn't.

That's how well he hid it.

„That doesn't mean anything, right?", Gon asked his partner.

„No, of course not. It's just a playful fight. Just to see who's stronger now", the grim reaper answered.

He was right. There was nothing exciting about this fight.

But Gon still felt like Hisoka was lying.

He was an excellent trickster after all.

What if all this was just an act to lure him hin, to devour him in that fight tomorrow.

Could that really be the magician's plan.

Or was he imagining things.

He prayed to god, that it was just his imagination.

And nothing else.

He had already fallen for his magic man.

He wouldn't survive a betrayal.

Not right now and not like this.

They went back to Heavens Arena and went to bed.

"Don't you think sleeping in the same bed is....weird?", asked Gon while uncomfortably shifting next to the magician.

"Why would it be weird? It's not like you want me to do anything to you...", Hisoka moved closer and wrapped an arm around his partner.

The all to familiar bubblegum and vanilla scent fogged Gon's senses as he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, the bed was cold.

Hisoka had left.

The feeling of betrayal came crawling up his mind.

"No! What am I thinking!? He probably just left to get ready for our fight today."

Deeeeeeep breathing...

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