Tasting bungee gum

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The two males were walking quietly next to each other.

The only sound was Hisoka's Stilettos clacking on the floor.

"I'm really impressed, little one", the magician said after a while.

"Thank you, Hisoka", replied Gon and a slight blush spread across his cheeks.

The redhead took his hand and squeezed it.

"But you got stronger too. It looked like you were flying back there. I was so stunned that for a moment I considered just giving up bc I didn't want to interrupt your "flying"."

The young hunter smiled at his partner.

"I need to tell you something-„ The magic man stopped walking and looked at his shoes.

„But not here. We should go get a drink at the bar."

Hisoka began walking faster and a few minutes later they arrived at the bar.

Not many people were there.

Maybe five men and women.

But the rest of the room was empty.

And maybe it was good for what the magician was about to tell Gon.

They sat down next to each other.

"So, my boy~", purred the magician and eyed his „date". „Do we need to go over some boring smalltalk first it are we gonna get down to business now?"

Gon gulped and sweat started to form on his forehead.

This situation made him so nervous.

He made him so nervous, Gon couldn't stand it.

"I think I'm gonna call it a night-" Gon stood up and tried to flee, but Hisoka was faster.

He grabbed him and pulled him in.

Gon's back was now against Hisoka's chest.

"After the humiliation today, I think I deserve some kind of apology."

His full lips brushed against his lovers neck and left the young man shivering.

"Apology?", whispered Gon.

"Let me show you."

Hisoka led the raven haired man to his suite on the 200th floor.

Gon was trembling and he wasn't very good at hiding it either.

„Afraid of anything?", hummed Hisoka and entered his room, pulling the young man right in.

„N-no! Why would I be-I mean-„ Gon went quiet when the magician suddenly started to unbutton his leather crop top.

"Hisoka..." His voice was weak. "What are you doing?"

"I'm getting rid of my clothes, is that a problem, little boy?"

Gon stepped back and smiled nervously.

"No! Not at all",he shrieked.

The magician was doing a british accent on purpose.

How the hell could the young hunter not feel the tingling in his stomach.

It was telling him what he didn't want to admit to himself.

His magic man was returning in his birth suit und Gon just stared at him.

Shit! This was getting way too awkward! He had to do something!


He'd seen Hisoka naked before and he still remembered every detail.

On green island, the magician had been bathing in a lake.

The age of consent is...? (Hisogon)Where stories live. Discover now