Coffee Clown

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Gon had finished his Burger and the diner wasn't really the place where Hisoka wanted to tell him about his situation.

Well, it would have been romantic if the diner was vintage and historical. With bubblegum colored seats and little tables. Black and white floors and guitars hanging off the ceiling.

But this diner was just dark, dirty and smelled strange.

"Why don't we go to a Cafe?" The magician prayed that his beloved one would say yes.

And he did.

The little Cafe belonged to a friend of Hisoka.

Her name was Machi.

She used to be in the phantom troupe with him, for several years, but today there are other criminals who hunt the streets.

"You're not seriously talking about the woman with the Nen needles?" Gon looked shocked.

"I am." It was already past 4 am but the streets were still full. "You know..." Hisoka started. "The groupe separated a long time ago. Only Machi stayed in YorkNew."

He looked at the black night sky.

"The rest spread all over the globe."

The magic man smiled and sighted.

"What is it?", asked Gon with a curious smile.

"It's just funny. A few years ago everyone knew the phantom troupe and now..."

He waved at the crowds in front of them.

"People believe we weren't even real. They only hear of past stories and events."

"That means you guys are legends now", whispered the young man and his brown eyes glimmered so beautifully.

Hisoka swallowed dryly.

What was this boy doing to him?

"I don't think 'legends' is the word I'd use, but if at least you think so..."

"You're a terrible person, really-", Gon suddenly whispered. "But whoever is free from sin may cast the first stone, right?"

The magician couldn't believe it.

Gon didn't hate him. In fact, he even admitted liking him.

His heart couldn't take it anymore, so he simply grabbed his hunter and hugged him.

So tight and so long, Gon considered he was about to be killed.

There was nothing fake or sexual about his touch.

It was pure and gentle, maybe a bit aggressive.

"What are you doing?" Gon was starting to get uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry." The pale man released him.

„I was just being nice."

„The infamous Grim Reaper is anything but nice!", Gon exclaimed. „But I guess people change."

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