A Match made in Hell

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30 years later...

„Gon! Can you get the door! I'm still in the kitchen!", The magician yelled.

„I'll be right there! You know I'm not the fastest anymore!"

The old man opened the door and it was none other than the mailman.

„Good Morning", said Gon and took the rolled newspaper.

„Who was it?", Hisoka asked, still cooking.

„Just the mailman!"

The little house which was once Gon and his aunts home, was now the family home of him and Hisoka.

They renovated a lot and decorated their home like they pleased.

It's been almost 30 years since they reunited in heavens arena.

30 years of love and safety for both of them.

The still trained until recently, but time wasn't really one their side.

Hisoka was 71 and Gon was 57.

They weren't over yet, but they had already reached the fall of their lives.

At least Hisoka.

Gon was enjoying his last summer days.

Growing old was not as terrifying as some may think.

When you're old you have nothing to loose anymore.

It's quiet and it's safe. Everything in their house was full of memories and love.

Both of them had fought enough in their lives.

They deserved a bit of peace and normality.

They really did.

„Come sit with me. Let's have some Ramen, my dear." Hisoka put down the two bowls on the small table on the balcony.

They ate and watched the ocean moving against the cliffs.

If someone had told them they'd end up together in a normal life like this, they would've snapped that person's neck.

„It tastes great like always", said Gon and kissed his husband.

„Well, I should teach you sometime. You're pretty terrible at cooking", replied the magician with a smirk and the younger male couldn't help but laugh.

„I am sorry I'm no five star cook. But at least I can fix things around the house without complaining about breaking a nail!"

Hisoka put his bowl down and looked at Gon strangely.

„Okay! Okay!", he said, laughing ab bit. „I know exactly what you're talking about! You're just pissed bc you can't cook."

„That's not true!"

„Oh it is true! The last time you used the kitchen it looked like heavens arena all over!"

„At least I didn't cry about some damn nail last week!"

„I didn't cry! I had something in my eye!"

„Of course you did! You damn cotton candy marshmallow!"

Sugar and Spice.

Perfectly fitting together.


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