Lil' Swallow

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There they were, crouching in front of the fence. Mira observed the area for a good ten minutes before it was clear for them to move. Wherever they crawled, the looming feeling of getting caught became more distracting. If what was written on the papers were true, theyd be able to take this city in an instant. Hell, White Guy had to stop every few seconds because his heart rate was getting too high. Not out of fear, oh no, out of excitement.

WGEG: OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD this is Lil Swallows house! I didnt know he even lived in Chicago!

Victoria: Keep your voice down! This guy has guards patrolling the block!

WGEG: Im sorry, its just this guy has been my go-to when it comes to rap music! I mean, didnt you hear Sensual Homies?

Victoria: Longer than we shouldve.

Leo: Okay, no dilly dallying. White Guy, are you prepared?

WGEG: Oh, YEAH! I cant believe I get to meet one of my idols!

Leo: Yep, just take this folder here and well make sure you get in.

WGEG: On it!

With that, Leo gave him the folder and helped him over the fence. Where White Guy face planted into the lawn of lush Kentucky BlueGrass. Then, he got up from his spot and began to Army Crawl his way towards the front door.

Mira: Hey, by chance, did he ever actually read what was in the folder before we got here?

Leo: Uh, no I dont believe so. Cause I had it this entire time.

Mira: Yeboy, thats gonna be a little awkward when he confronts him.

Victoria: Which by the way, why did you guys choose HIM for this assignment? Im the only one whos had to negotiate with people before. Cmon, I even got our warehouse down to our price range!

Leo: Oh dont be like that Viccy, he still needs his learning experience. Otherwise he cant be someone that we used to know! Before you say it, yes, I was listening to Gotye earlier. White Guy let me listen to his personal playlist-

Mira: Oh shit! Guards at ten o'clock!

They all turned to look at the front of the mansion. Where they saw five dobermann guards charging towards White Guy. Quickly, Mira leaped over the fence and raised her hand toward the approaching threats. Instantly, two of them were swept off their feet and slammed into the wall. Next, Victoria came and shot her wisps of fire at the thirds eyes. Causing to stop in its tracks and began screaming.


Lastly, Leo leaped forward and smashed his hands into the ground. Where a path of bedrock began protruding out of and collided with the remaining guards. Which would cause White Guy to look up in confusion.

WGEG: Uh, did I do something wrong?

Leo: Your fine, just go.

WGEG: Uhm, should I just start walking now since Im already at the porch or-

VIctoria: Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever! Just go!

Silently, White Guy got up and walked over to the entrance. Where he awkwardly opened and went inside. That tension was luckily broken after he went inside though. Since as soon as he saw the interior, his eyes nearly shot out in amazement. He was aware that Lil Swallow had a huge fortune from his time as a musician. But he never expected him to HAVE SUCH GOOD TASTE IN FURNITURE!

By God, were there some of the finest pieces of culture placed inside this mans home. Persian carpets, Italian leather sofas with Indian pillows, Californian Redwood flooring, Dutch Tables, Shoji sliding doors, French crystal chandeliers, oh and so much more! It was like a royal castle in there! But now wasnt the time to idolize right now, White Guy had a mission he had to fulfil. Even if that meant ruining his love of Lil Swallow.

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