Anti-Climatic Test

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The Trio was somehow able to avoid death in the training that had been taking place. Even going as far as to become skilled in their routine. Mowing the grass became less of a chore as they were able to get it done in roughly half an hour. The bitter coffee had started to feel more like a treat instead of a punishment. The cold ass showers made them able to withstand the harshest of temperatures. While the shot puts made them swift as Phil himself. Which proved that all the absurd training was worth it.

As of now, The Trio were busy doing a new exercise that was meant to help with their upper body strength. Some good old fashioned shoulder presses. Well, as old fashioned as lifting two tires each! You may be thinking, how can Stallion do such a thing if hes not even bipedal? Because the training made them into beef cakes that's why! God damn, even if they were animals they looked pretty buff. It was like something out of some weird Rule 34 beastiality and muscle porn. Except less sexual and more cool. Okay, that may not have been the best reference.

Harrison: Alright boys! Time for lunch!

The Trio: Hell yeah!

They dropped their barbells and ran up the stairs of the hill to Harrisons shack. On the menu today was pot roast and kegs of german beer. The perfect meal for anyone training to become swol. (Do not take my word on that.) Harrison threw them each a bowl and they began to chow down like wolves. Furiousiously consuming mountains of meat, potato, carrot, and alcohol. During their feast, Harrison decided it was the best to tell them what he thought.

Harrison: Yknow boys, I think you're ready.

Henry: Ready?

Harrison: I think you're ready for the final test.

Phasco: Final test? But weve literally been training for like a week.

Harrison: Yeah, what about it?

Phasco: A little quick for us to face this final trial you speak of.

Stallion: By the way, how the hell did we get this muscular in the span of-

Harrison: This just goes to show just how prepared you three are in becoming Mythicals. I believe that your fighting spirits are so strong that all you needed was a bit of training.

Phasco: But weve literally been doing nothing but mowing your lawn and dodging shot puts. Not to mention that our living conditions have just been shit.

Harrison: Exactly why you are prepared.

Phasco: Alright, so whats the final test? Fight you? Channel our energy? Let me guess, stop the fire lord?

Harrison: None of that weeb shit. It's actually more simple than youd think.

Phasco: I dont know if I should be worried about that, or put at ease because of that.

Harrison: YES!

Phasco: Oh no.

Once their meal came to an end, Harrison proceeded to take them to a new place. Somewhere that didnt exactly fit the theme of the snakes living conditions. The place they were taken to was far beyond the training grounds. Past the piles of junk, past the luscious lawn, past the hell-like desert, there was a small land of property sitting behind a hill. As The Trio turned the corner of it, they were flabbergasted at the sight of it. What their eyes had just taken in was the sight of a large mansion decaying by age.

By looking at the exterior, they felt it was out of place. It gave off an ominous and gothic vibe. Which was a large contrast from the old west style southern area that they had been staying at for the past week. This was in fact an oddity to behold. Harrison slithered his way in front of the entrance gate and looked at The Trio with a sadistic grin. Making them even more scared as to what was coming to them.

The infamous Trio: A Tale in which Stupidity is Abundant.Where stories live. Discover now