On the way to Riley's

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Farkle's POV.

Riley's house is another perfect time to make moves on Maya.

Josh's POV.

I can talk to Maya at Riley's house today.

Lucas's POV.

Riley's house today, probably not going to enjoy it due to this Maya Battle.

Riley's POV.

I think Lucas, Farkle, and Josh are up to something and i need to know what. I found all of them walking to my house and I pulled them all towards me. "what do you need?" Josh asked. "What are you guys up to?" I replied. "fine, we all love Maya so the first one Maya says she loves gets her love." Farkle explained. "please dont tell her." "guys, this is wrong Maya is not a prize you know how insecure she is." I told them. "ugh, fine I will keep your dirty little secret." I suddenly got a text. 

Lucas: dont tell them, but honestly I dont like it either.

I replied quickly.

Riley: good.

"lets go." Lucas said.

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