Chapter 4

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I woke up and Johnny wasn't there *Oh no, I better not have been snoring again*
I got out of his bed and realised I was wearing his sweatshirt. I was so tired last night so I don't remember what even happened or how I ended up in his sweatshirt.

I walked down the stairs to see if he had slept on the couch. I was running my eyes as I was so tired from waking up. When I got to the kitchen I saw him making breakfast. "Good morning babe" Johnny said while frying some bacon and eggs for us. "I made breakfast, hope you like it" He came over and gave me a hug and a kiss. "What happened last night?" I said. I was so sleepy I didn't remember a thing. "Nothing much. You just fell asleep during the movie and you looked cold so I put my sweater on you. Hope you don't mind" He said. "No I don't mind at all. Also weird question but, I didn't snore last night, did I?" I said. Johnny tried not to laugh and said "No you didn't"

It was a Tuesday so we had school. We decided to pull a Ferris Bueler and take the day off. Without stealing a car or driving all around the city. Just the day off part.

I got dressed and me and Johnny headed to McDonald's for a quick meal. I knew my parents were busy at work already and Johnny didn't live with his so we didn't have to worry about getting caught or the school dining home. I went to check the time in my phone but it had died *Crap I hope I don't need it later*
There wasn't a whole lot to do while out with Johnny as the movie theatre wasn't open as everyone should be in school or work, we had already had lunch so we had just planned to head back to my house.

Johnny was pulling up on his motorcycle when we saw police cars outside. My mom and dad were there and she was in tears. She saw us and ran up to me and gave me a hug. "I was worried sick about you. You didn't answer any of my calls so I had to get the police over here" She said in tears.
She looked over at Johnny "You, you are the problem here. I thought she had gone missing but she was just with you. Probably causing trouble or vandalising the town on your silly little motorcycle" She said angrily while also crying. "MOM STOP. ITS NOT GIS FAULT ITS MINE" I screamed so she might listen to me. Johnny left angrily on his motorcycle without saying a work of goodbye to me. I just ran inside, slammed the door shut so my mother knew how annoyed I was with her.

I spent the whole night trying to call Johnny but he wouldn't pick up the phone. He's probably got over 50 missed calls already.

The next day at school was super awkward. Johnny wouldn't say a word to me. We weren't officially together so none of my friends knew anything and I never told them about our day out together or how I slept over at his house the night before.
He also would usually sit beside me in the bus and we would talk and laugh and listen to music but today he sat at the back. I hadn't done anything wrong. It was my mother. So I went up to him on the bus and sat down beside him. "Why are you ignoring me" I said. "Because your mom was up my ass about you missing school so if she sees me with you she'll kill me for sure"
"Don't mind her. She can't control my life all the time"
I held his hand and he squeezed and and gave me a big smile. "Sorry for ignoring you all day I just didn't want you to get into more trouble at home" He said.

Johnny didn't live with his parents and hasn't done for a very long time so he never fully understood how an argument at my house ever went. First my parents so my parents and I would argue about something but then the next minute we are talking and laughing with each other as if nothing ever happened. Basically long story short my mom doesn't care or hasn't mentioned anything that happened yesterday.

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