Chapter 5

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The next day at school I saw that Johnny wasn't in. He hadn't been on the bus but I assumed he just slept in again. I asked a couple of his friends who I had gotten to know better since me and Johnny had become better friends, for anyone wondering, no we are not officially together. They all just shook their heads and said they hadn't seen him since Monday.

The bus ride home was pretty boring since I had no one to talk to. I stepped out of the bus when it got to my house, walked up to my front door and saw an envelope with my name on it and a bouquet of flowers. I opened the letter and it read: "Hey  Y/N , I'm so sorry I hadn't in today to see you but I had busy at home. Hope you had a good day and I'll se you tomorrow  from Johnny xx"  *He has done something wrong I'm sure. He never gets me flowers or writes me letters*

I went over to his house and since Johnny had given me a key and told me I could go over anytime, I went straight inside. He usually hung out in his room so I went straight up there. And sure enough he was there. But he wasn't alone...

"Oh crap Y/N I didn't know you were coming over" he said quickly getting off his bed and buttoning up his pants. He was making out with a girl who was only in her underwear. "What is going on here?" I said angrily. "What do you mean. I just had a girl over that's all" He said, not realising how angry I was. "Y/N we weren't together okay. So I'm allowed people over" "so that night I slept with you, all those times we chatted and laughed together in the bus. All that meant nothing to you" I said with tears starting to run down my cheeks. "Look Y/N I'm sorry I didn't realise you thought about me that way"
I just left without replying. How did he not feel the chemistry. When he first kissed me at school, when  we watched the movie together, when we were in detention and talking about our favourite movies. I walked down the road headed back to my place, I started running as I had to get away from his place. I loved Johnny Lawrence. I loved him. I stopped in the middle of the road. Then turned back to his place. I had to tell him. Whether he felt the same or not he needed to know.
"JOHNNY" I called out from outside his house. He peered out the window. "Johnny can you come down for a second"
His head disappeared back inside then a few seconds later he was walking out his front door. I ran up and gave him a big hug and whispered "I love you" to him. He hugged me tighter and said "I love you too" He then gave me a big kiss and we went into his house. The girl he was making out with had left not long before all that as she knew if she stayed any longer there would be trouble.

Me and Johnny spent the whole night laughing, watching movies and eating candy when he said "Y/N will you be my girlfriend" "Yes. Yes Johnny I will" ...

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