Not the Time to Celebrate

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"Surprise!" They shout as a chorus of cheering closely follows.

Immediately I clam up, covering my face with my hands. I scream at the thought of all these people here, the muffled horror inaudible over the cheering. Turning away I look back at Percy, who is standing there looking somewhat smug. His arms are folded and like a court jester he has a dopey grin plastered on his face. I decide to face the hell in front of me and see that the whole village of Winchester must be here. Clapping and cheering, all of the attention right on me, a representation of a living hell. The sweat now gathered on my forehead, and my entire face now burns from within. I am totally unsure as to what to do in this situation. With a gentle nudge I feel Percy's hand press my lower back, sending my forward towards the crowd.

'You're dead," I whisper under my breath, through gritted teeth with a big fake smile. However, I make sure that it is loud enough that he can hear me. I force myself forwards to the crowed, every step becoming more daunting than the last. Dragging the air through my nostrils, my chest begins to tighten. My eyes blur and my I feel faint, my anxiety is really getting me.

Why does this have to happen now

Like a shepherd herding their sheep my mother is front and centre pulling the strings. Of all the people who know me, she should know that I hate social activities. I don't even like the majority of this crowd, and they must know that. My mother always did have a way with people, that apple did fall far from the tree. How else would she have got them here, to celebrate my insignificant little birthday? She approaches me like an angel from the darkness, arms wide open and a beaming smile on her face. All that was missing was a halo around her head and a beam of light projecting from behind her. We embrace as she wraps her arms around me, a sound of excitement leaves her lips. Her grip on me tightens as she brings me in closer, a noise leaves my lips as I am crushed by her strength. She always gives the warmest hugs, but I am struggling to breath.

"Mum, you need to let go," I struggle to say, and she has no plans of letting go.

My shoulders drop as my mother releases her grip; a loud sigh leaves my body along with the tension. Leaning back my mother sees where I have been crying and immediately her facial expression changes. It takes a dramatic shift from jubilation to worry, all she has done is moved her eyebrows and screwed her mouth up. Just this little change tells me all I need to know; she knows something is wrong.

"My dear what is wrong?" She asks me. There is a softness to her voice that I am not always used to. It takes me a moment to process.

"Why did you do this?" I respond in a hushed tone whilst looking over her shoulder.

"What the party? Why do you think I did it Gally, it is your birthday," as though she is unaware of how I feel about this type of thing, she tells me in a casual manner?

"Mum..." I think of nothing else to say.

"Gally, my dear, just smile look happy and try to relax," my mother pats me on the shoulders and a smile returns to her face.

"Percy, my love, please make sure she has fun tonight," looking over my shoulder she speaks directly to him.

"Yes ma'am," he replies. I can just imagine the daft grin he still has plastered across his face.

With a gentle nod to us both my mother spins on her tip toes to face the crowd. Having a spring in her step like always, she walks back into the crowd. Not being able to help myself I turn to look at Percy, and screw my eyes up, frowning in his direction. All he can muster is a shrug of the shoulders and a wide-eyed look. Managing to keep that dopey grin firmly placed on his face.

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