A Very Chance Meeting

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Stopping dead in my tracks I am frozen in fear, it's as though I am stuck in place and my feet are rooted to the spot. Dropping my hands down by my side I hold out my hands in a defensive move. Not knowing who it is I don't want to start any trouble. I am now quite away from home with no protection and worse is, I don't know where I am.

"Don't try any funny business ok," the voice then says. I sense of uncertainty in their voice.

"Ok, ok just take it easy," I respond. My hands still out by my side.

Slowly I try to move my head to the side, in the hope I can catch a glimpse of whoever it is. Turning to the left ever so slightly and before I can get a glimpse, the voice in seeing my movements then says,

"No, keep looking forward please." Their voice sterner this time.

Quickly I flinch my head back to the centre and look dead ahead, in doing so something does catch my eye. It is back to the left and deafly moves beside me hardly making a noise. In this type of situation, I should be nervous but strangely I don't feel threatened. Saying this my hands are shaking, and my heart rate has increased. Then again out of the corner of my eye I see what caught my attention just a few moments ago. A tall wild dog with brilliant white fur walks beside me, it must be walking on air because I heard nothing. Even the leaves and branches were breaking under my foot and I didn't think I weighed that much. The hound makes eye contact with and I am immediately lost, its eyes are the sharpest blue I have ever seen. It walks around to the front of me from my left, it stops and sits on its hind legs. Being completely calm it yawns and licks its face. Glancing occasionally to behind me, I know that the person commanding it is right there.

The light from their lantern illuminates more of the area of the ground around me, my shadow cast further into the distance. I hear them tread lightly behind me, even over the sound of my quickening heartbeat. Based on the size of the dog I do not take my eyes off it, however now it is laying in front of me. Not the most aggressive pose it could have taken, my nerves are still on high alert though. I have no doubt that this thing could tear me apart like a rag doll, so I am not taking my chances. My palms have become moist as a cold sweat expels from my pores. They still shake by my side, but this is a mix of the drop-in temperature and the lift in my heartbeat. Standing just ahead of me and to the side the figure is still like a statue facing me, they haven't said anything for a while, but I think it has been communicating with the dog.

The first thing I notice about the person is the long, crooked stick that they are using to support them. Made from wood the stick twists from the bottom right the way up to where they are holding it. I follow the stick up to meet the persons gaze, they are wearing a long coat of sorts with a hood pulled up and over their head. Looking more intently I notice it is more like a cloak, big open sleeves and a pointy hood attached to the cape part. They bring the light up higher to my eye line, completely blinding me from seeing their face.

I shield my eyes and instinctively look away, groaning in response and flinching from the light.

"Hey, cut that out," I plead. My eyes have been in the darkness for so long, the light blinds me intensely.

"I am sorry, I am not ready for you to see me yet," they respond. Moving the light from side to side, probably assessing me to see if I am dangerous.

Out of all the things I expected them to say, this wasn't it at all. My mind clears and instead I replay their response, whirling around in my brain. Why can't I see them yet, are they waiting for some big reveal. Still standing to the side they continue to hold the lantern up in my eye line, the dog has now truly given up resting its snout on the floor.

"Why are you following me?" The person asks.

Not knowing immediately how to answer I pause for a moment, still shielding my eyes almost trying to look around the flickering light.

The Adventures of Gally and the Roundtableحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن