Retreat Is the Only Option

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Knowing the guardsmen have their arrows aimed at my head, moving towards them would be adventurous at best. Not being on a hunting scout neither of us came with weapons, the knife is more for foraging or putting a trapped animal out of its misery. With their armour I wouldn't even put a scratch in the iron if I tried. Both the guardsmen remain still facing right towards me, the one on the left has his hand on Percy's shoulder. The one on the right still has his bow drawn, the limbs must be creaking under the pressure. Slowly I edge backwards on my feet, getting ever closer to the trunk impaled by the king's arrow. For a moment I got brave, I thought the distance between us was my ally. I got up into a crouched position ready to make a run for it, then it dawned on me. If I ran for it, I would be leaving Percy in the hands of the Kings Guard. My head drops as I realise what I must do, I must leave my friend behind. Staring at the floor my eyes glaze over, the realisation hitting me harder than I thought. The cold sting of tears rolls down my cheeks. The emotion is a mix of having to leave Percy to get help but also, I am ashamed for not being better prepared.

Wanting to tempt Percy to come here anyway, why didn't I bring more supplies. Hiding some weapons at Jerry's hut would have been easy, I mean the guy is always sleeping or engrossed in a book. My breathing is hard and laboured as I inhale air through my nose loudly. The pressure around my chest increases as my heart pounds against my ribcage. I look up to see that they are still standing there, rooted to the spot like the trees around them.

"Run Gally, Run!" Percy shouts from across the quarry.

Meeting his voice with my eyes the guard removes his hand from Percy's shoulder and whips him across the back of the head. As soon as the connection is made, he falls to the floor landing on his knees, I see him reach for the back of his head. Suddenly my sadness turns to anger, the tears stop, and a dull heat takes over me. It is the last thing I want to do but Percy is right, I have to run, maybe if I can get back to Jerry then maybe I can send a warning. That way we can get some help up here and go after him in numbers.

Still crouched down I turn on my toes, now with my back to them and I brace myself to run. Another whisp of air this time over my shoulder catches my attention, following the sensation in front of me another arrow hits the same trunk. Slowing down my breathing, I close my eyes in a way to concentrate. Wiping my hands on my khaki trousers, I get ready to push myself up.

"Come on, one...two..." I propel myself forward on three and run straight up the path.

Losing my grip on the stone path, my feet slide underneath me. I scramble to keep my balance on the way up, flapping my arms to the side. The sound of metal hitting stone catches my attention but thankfully this time, the arrow falls short of its intended target. I reach the top of the path where the stone and rocks meet the mud and twigs of the woodland. Naturally I look back towards the quarry in the hopes of seeing Percy running up behind me. Of course, he isn't and for a split second my heart breaks, the fact that I had to leave him behind when this was going to be my idea anyway. At least we know now why the rangers don't allow us to head towards the Northern perimeter.

Seeing Jerry's hut at our usual checkpoint I continue to run towards it. The peace and quiet that surrounds it is alarming, he can't surely still be asleep. What sort of bloody ranger man's his checkpoint asleep, that is no good to anyone?

I reach the rear of the hut, stopping to catch my breath from the sprint. The beating of my heart slows to what feels like a normal level, my breathing also levels out. I feel less rushed as I did until this point, but the anxiety is now through the roof. Being back at the hut and away from the Kings guard settles me a little bit. Knowing that I could actually finish Jerry off this time, I walk around the hut slowly. Making sure to not startle him I approach him slowly; he is still completely out of it. Feet up and head rest back, his arms crossed over his chest pinning his book to his body. I study him for a moment, finding solitude in the calm. His eyes closed, but not shut tight. Every other breath he pushes out air from his mouth, making his lips quiver in response. Stepping ever closer to Jerry I try to gently wake him from his sleep, nudging him on the arm. There is nothing from him, not a movement, reaction or anything.

"Jerry, Jerry..." I whisper continuing to gently prod him with my index finger.

Realising I won't be getting anywhere with JerryI leave him to it, with nothing of use in the hut I need to make my way backdown to Herb. Hopefully being head ranger he will know what to do, and mostly importantly how to do it. Setting off from the North East checkpoint I run back down the path, forgetting my duties I don't do any additional checks. We know there is a breach to the North, and I think this will keep everyone occupied enough. Running alongside the perimeter I can see some of the homestead, everything going about their day as if nothing is happening. On my left we pass the small clearing where we first spotted a deer, again nothing to be seen. As I veer around the corner to my right and down a slight slope, I am at the boundary line of the trees, I push myself off a tree trunk to help steer me towards Herb and his hut. Taking a large step, I leap from out of the tree line and land in the undergrowth, nettles consuming my boots like they are feeding on me.

"Herb, there?" I ask panicked, hoping I get a better response from him than the one I got from Jerry.

Resting my hands on my knees I try to catch my breath; it is frantic and laboured and making a hell of a noise. I raise up straightening my back, planting my hands on my hips. Herb with his trusted clipboard leans around from the front of his hut.

"You ok Gally, what's happened?

Wide eyed and gasping for air, I swivel on the spot pointing into the woodland. I return my gaze to Herb with red eyes, that sting returning as my cheeks moisten.

"Percy...North perimeter...taken," my speech is staggered as I continue to try catching my breath.

Herb has now dropped his clipboard and walked towards me, bringing a concerned look pained on his face. He places a hand on my shoulder and speaks to me in a hushed tone. "What are you trying to say Gally?"

Steadying myself against Herbs touch, I take in a large deep intake of air. I lift my head to meet Herb's concerned gaze and tell it to him straight. "Percy was taken at the Northern perimeter."

Immediately I feel his hand slip off of my shoulder, it falls heavily by his side. Stumbling back he loses his balance, but regains his balance before hitting the deck.

"What do you mean he was taken?" His eyebrows frown, meeting in the middle.

He leans his head in closer to me as though it will improve his hearing, both of his hands rest on his hips.

"We were checking in with Jerry, who was asleep again, and Percy saw someone in the distance," I begin, not wanting to let on that we were going to break our perimeter search anyway.

"The person was watching us from a few hundred yards away, hiding behind a bush. Percy was scouting them to see what they did. After we both spotted them, they bolted towards the quarry." I continue.

"How did Percy end up getting taken then?" Herb asks, almost certainly knowing the answer.

"Well Percy was in hunter mode, so as soon as the person bolted, he went in after them."

"Hmm ok and what did you do?" Herb continues to question me.

"Well I obviously went after him but by the time I caught up, he had disappeared," I start to get the impression that Herb might be thinking this is my fault.

"Did you at least get a look at who it was?" His body language has shifted to a more relaxed stance.

One hand is now down by his side, the other up scratching behind his head. He looks a mixed between concerned and annoyed.

"Yes, when I made it around to the quarry two of them had him."

"And...," he pushes for the answer.

"It was the Kings Guard!"

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