Decisions, Decisions...

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It's the next morning already, and it feels like I only closed my eyes a few minutes ago. Waking up in the same way I do every morning, I see the beam of light with an orange hue creep in under the curtain. Immediately I stretch my arms above my head and knock them against my headboard, and yes, you've guessed it, it's made from timber. Letting out a groan I bring my arms down to my side, pinning myself under the blanket.

On this morning my mother doesn't come bounding down the hallway to knock on my door, I have been spared that. Instead I hear Merlin sniffing at the gap under the door, he must really have his wet nose stuck under it as the noise echoes. The sniffing is followed by a whimper as I hear him walking away from the door, his nails tapping on the wood as he leaves. Knowing I have to get up I frantically kick the blanket off of me, it crumples on the floor in a heap.

"Ugh!" I audibly reveal my dislike at the cold that consumes my skin.

The fine hairs on my legs stand up on end and goosebumps rise up my body. It is followed by a shiver, that travels from my toes up to my upper body. Conceding defeat, I rise to a seated position, swinging my legs around to the edge of the bed. My mother still hasn't come to wake me, but I hear her pottering around in the kitchen. It is louder than normal, so I wonder whether this is her new tactic. The course texture of the wood flooring inspires me to put my slippers on. Standing up from my bed I walk over to the makeshift dresser and pick up my dressing gown. Not the most feminine as it was a gift, or more hand-me-down, but when have I ever been bothered about that. Pulling my matted hair into a high ponytail I walk towards to the door. Grabbing the door handle, I pull the door open and walk into the hallway.

As soon as I enter the top of the hallway, I hear chattering, it's coming from the kitchen. Who the hell is visiting at this time of the morning? With a quicker pace than usual I walk down the length of the hallway in only a few steps. I notice that Merlin has retreated back into his bedroom, curled on his toy mountain bed. Reaching the kitchen, I stand there totally shocked, water is poured, and fried eggs are on the plate. Except this time there are three places set at the table. Sitting with a smug look on their face and an empty plate where eggs were.

"Percy, what time do you call this?" I ask, crossing my arms and cocking my eyebrow.

"About the time for a warm brew and a plate of eggs," he pushes the plate away from him in an obnoxious fashion. Then follows it up with a wink in my mother's direction.

"He's a young man and needs to start his day right," my mum reiterates, just to make me feel bad for questioning it.

Percy lives with this dad and they are on their own, his mother died when he was young. We don't really talk about it, but my mum thinks she got the flu. I remember it being very sudden and Percy didn't leave his house for days. Ever since he has been left on his own really, whilst his dad is constantly out on scout missions. He is with us a lot because of that, I think my mother feels responsible for him.

I walk around to the other side of table, sitting opposite Percy, his expression now only slightly less smug. My mother pours me a cup of home brew and slides two fried eggs onto my plate. Both perfectly cooked with beautiful golden domes sitting in the middle. I break them with my knife, watching the golden yellow liquid coat the plate in its deliciousness. In what feels like only seconds I inhale the two eggs, wiping my mouth with my sleeve. Mimicking Percy I slide my plate away from me also in an obnoxious manner, allowing a smirk to enter into the corner of my mouth. 

"You two are terrible," my confirms with a giggle leaving her mouth.

We look at each other not being in a position to argue and both shrug our shoulders in unison. Being satisfied with our meals again in sync we both pick up a cup of tea, taking big sips.

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