4. Training

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A shiver runs through me. I slide my leg up the bed searching for warmth. I feel movement brush past my skin, sliding up between my legs. A strong arm crosses my waist, pulling me close, into the warmth I was searching for. Content, I fall back to sleep.

The light flows into the room and my warmth begins to stir around me. Slowly, I open my eyes and find myself nestled into Aiden's chest, his arms wrapped around my shoulders and waist, our legs wrapped together, with his chin resting on the top of my head.

Realization hits, and I'm afraid to move and wake him. How do I get out of this? I move my legs slightly and find some of the pillows that at one point separated us. The others must have been tossed out in our search for warmth through the night.

Slowly I try moving his hand from my waist. He stirs, pulling me tighter into him. He mumbles something incoherently, nuzzling his face into my hair. He continues to sleep. I move to try again, when a knock at the door startles us both.

"Prince Aiden? It's six am, breakfast will be served in half an hour," a voice calls through the door.

"I'm awake, be there shortly," Aiden calls out half asleep. The hand around my waist releases me to rub his face.

He slowly opens his eyes, looking down at me for a moment. I look back at him. His eyes trail down the bed and up again.

He quickly releases his arm that still holds me to him, retreating slowly from the center of the bed, where I assume, we have been in each other's arms for most of the night. A little disoriented, he lifts the covers and swings his legs out of the bed.

"Get dressed for breakfast and make sure you wear something you can easily move around in," he says groggily, breaking the silence. Aiden dresses quickly, leaving me alone to dress, which I find myself grateful for.

Breakfast is quiet, and a bit awkward. It looks like Aiden and I are the only ones here. I don't see anyone except the young ladies that serve us. They work quickly, not meeting my gaze but I notice them steal glances at Aiden.

"Does the king have his breakfast later?" I ask the server reaching for my empty plate and cup. She gasps, and knocks them to the ground, shattering the plate and chipping the cup when I address her.

Panicked, she looks at the floor, then at me as she backs away, then turns and retreats back to the kitchen without answering my question. I look down at the broken pieces, realizing how hard things are going to be for me here.

After a few moments, Aiden gets up and beckons me to follow him. We walk through the long halls in silence. At the end, two large, wooden doors with iron handles open as we approach. The light floods the dark entrance, and we step out into the courtyard.

Aiden walks ahead of me to an open space of sand, circled by a wooden fence. All along the fence line are different weapons of all types, shapes, and sizes. From wooden swords, and staffs, to iron shields, spears, maces, and a few I don't recognize.

Aiden walks over, and takes off his coat and shirt. He drapes them over the fence, then walks the perimeter of the mini-battle field to a large selection of quarterstaffs. Testing a few, he seems to settle on two, abruptly tossing one to me. I scramble to catch it in time, marginally avoiding being hit in the face. He walks toward me with a long, heavy looking staff in hand.

"Is it comfortable?" he asks, in an absent tone, referring to the weapon in my hands no doubt.

I run my hands up its smooth finish, and tighten my grip as I feel its weight.

"It's light. I guess so," I reply.

"Good, let's begin." Aiden says lowering his staff to the ground, then comes at me full force, sweeping his staff at my feet taking me down hard!

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