19. Never give up on me

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I was led to a rather nice room considering the state of the rest of the castle, but as I understand since the cloaking enchantment was put up around the perimeter to keep it looking abandoned some repairs have started on the castle.

I know this was my room before, even though it is lovely and it does not have the musty smell most of the other rooms have, it feels cold and lonely here.

Looking towards the window on the far side of the room, I go to walk over to see if it will open so I can find a way out but as I do so my deerling jumps up on the window sill and immediately gets flung across the room in a flash.

I rush over to see if it's alright, by the time I get over to where he landed, my deerling has already shaken off the blast and is determined to go again, I laugh as I catch him in mid-air.

"Oh no you don't." I say, giving him a pat to distract him.

"It looks like the castle has a barrier around it, we can casually look around and see, what do you say?" my deerling peeps and vibrates a purr.

"How adorable can you be?" I ask lovingly.

While playing with my deerling, I go out the bedroom door.

"Hmm, that's interesting, I'm not locked in my room so that's a good sign. Reina said King Darnell was with my father encased in crystal I wonder if we can find where my father is keeping him?" I say to my deerling.

Who is not listening to me as I pet him, I wander down the long, dark hall only illuminated by the light of my deerling, the further I walk the mustier and colder it gets.

"Well, it looks like this part is still untouched." I murmur to myself.

I enter a few rooms that are either a mess, of broken furniture and smolder marks, or the furniture is covered in sheets and the room is filled with cobwebs.

Room after room they're much the same, until I reach the last door, this room is a mixture of both. I lift a sheet from the right-side wall to find a dresser with neat brushes and combs with beautiful handles of flowers in resin.

These are flowers from my world I look at them closely confused. How is this here? I look around the room more, the floor in the middle is covered in smashed furniture, not like the others.

This looks like the room was broken apart in a fit of rage only the dresser and a large wooden box with beautiful carvings all over it of butterflies, they look like the starlight butterfly I saw in the garden with Aiden.

The lock on the front of it is old, I go to touch it, when a voice from behind me makes me jump, my deerling falls from my hand.

It was in the middle of rubbing his side on my thumb when I jumped, causing him to roll off my palm.

"I'm sorry father, was I not allowed in here?" I ask trying to keep my composure.

"I'm sorry if I startled you, I just like to wander when I can't sleep, I assume, that is your issue too?" he asks me. I nod.

"I know this room." I say quietly.

"Yes, you would, this was your mothers' room and your nursery a long time ago." he replies.

"Everything in here is broken, except for the box and dresser." I say as calm as I can.

"Yes, I came in here the night after your mother was taken from me, I did a little.... Remodeling. I'm not proud, but I never could bring myself to fix it or get rid of it, you probably think it's silly right?" he asks me a hint of embarrassment in his tone.

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