7. The ball

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The following morning, Angela knocks on the door.

"Prince Aiden? Are you coming to breakfast this morning?" she calls through the door.

My heart aches a little that I'm still not being acknowledged. I sigh. Aiden stirs and absentmindedly runs his fingers up and down my arm.

I don't need to open my eyes to know I found my way into his arms again. I slowly open my eyes and look up at a tired-looking Aiden. Did he stay up all night? He's looking down at me.

"Are you feeling good enough to go to breakfast?" he asks me gently.

I nod, slowly sitting up. I rub my swollen face.

"We will be right there," he calls back to Angela.

"Very good," she replies and leaves.

"I must look a right mess," I sigh.

He smiles warmly. "No worse than usual." he replies.

"Great, that makes me feel so much better," I playfully retort, swatting at him.

He laughs, catching my hand as I go to bat him again. His eyes lock on mine and I feel a familiar pull. He leans in slowly. I can feel his breath so close to mine, as he leans in closer, his eyes shift. Aiden quickly pulls back, clearing his throat as he jumps up and starts dressing. He's ready and out the door before I even get out of the bed.

I thought... I shake my head at my stupidity. Thought what? That maybe he wanted me as much as I want him? No, I don't want him, he's just confusing me with his kindness when we are alone, and I'm so starved for any kindness it is making me think something is there, that clearly is not.

Entering the hall for breakfast, I see Aiden notice me and scramble to his feet, leaving his plate barely touched.

"Are we in a rush to get to training today?" I ask, knowing full well this isn't the case.

"Training is cancelled today, there are too many preparations for tonight's celebration, and I have a lot to do. I don't care what you do today, just don't get in the way and don't cause me any trouble," he says harshly.

Great, and he's back to being an ass, I think, as I watch him leave the room. I sit at the table balancing a knife on its tip, absent-mindedly, when a plate of egg, toast and meat is shoved in front of me.

By the time I look up, I only see the servers back disappearing into the kitchen. I sigh. The room is empty as I eat, the silence deafening, and the overwhelming loneliness creeps in.

I'm startled when I feel something rub across my chin. It's my deerling! Nestling its body against my cheek, it tries to keep balanced on my shoulder. I'm still gaping at it when it starts to wander, and leaps from my shoulder to the fruit bowl toppling it over.

Apples, oranges, and some other fruits I have no idea what they are, scatter. The deerling gets up, shakes itself off, and chases after some grape like fruits, playing with them as a cat would a ball of twine.

I giggle as I watch it play, my mood lightening.

"Where did you come from?" I say mostly to myself.

I hadn't done the summons for it to be here. I look around the room again, and still don't see anyone. I'm certain no one will come in while they know I'm here. I reach into my bag and pull out my book. I look through the book from cover to cover, to find something on how it could be summoned without me calling it until I reach the back of the book.

Teleportation, this is exceedingly difficult magic and can only be attempted after hand movement is no longer required, as teleportation is one of the hardest spells to use. It is a matter of body and mind as one. You must know your magic to the point that you can feel it in all you do.

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