18. Worlds will fall

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"No, I can't be! If I face the maiden I... I can't... I won't!" I say in a panic.

"None of this makes sense, I lost my mother for this? You couldn't face the maiden as a child, they had to wait for you to be older." Aiden says.

"A maiden you mean?" I snip.

"Yes!" Reina says.

"So, me sending her away did nothing? Her magic called her back when it was close to the time?" Aiden asks.

"Yes, I believe so, we can't let Kintarbie get his hands on her." Reina says unhappy with the situation.

"We need to get Bree as far away as possible. She can't go back, where he can get his hands on her." barks Aiden.

"I agree." Reina replies.

"Ok let's get the others and fill them in, they all love you, Bree, none of them would let anything happen to you." Aiden says trying to assure me.

"I appreciate all this, I do but we still have to get the leftover ingredients I have stashed away in our room, so we can try the cure on Reina, you said it yourself, the lillulian poisoning was a way to find a cure for you and we did." I reply.

"Yes, that was the plan but your safety is more important right now." Reina replies.

We move outside to the veranda, its dark out now, I can't see anything, the silence sends a chill down my spine.

"Madeline, Metikye, Roxy? Where are you? Nathaniel, Logan, Mac......Luc?" I call out to each of my friends into the darkness.

I climb down the ladder, but before my foot touches the ground, a hand wraps around my mouth pulling me off the ladder and another thrusts a dagger to my throat.

"BREE!" Aiden yells, the light from the dagger shows my attacker is of light magic the light illuminates the dark, just enough to see my friends tied up unconscious on the ground.

"My dear sweet niece, I think it best for your friends here if you come with me quietly." the voice hisses into my ear, my blood runs cold. He said niece, my uncle! I nod giving him the answer he was waiting for.

"What a good girl, I taught you well"

"NO!" Aiden thunders from the verandah.

"YOU'RE NOT TAKING HER!!" with one wicked grin from my uncle at Aiden, we vanish in a flash of blue light.

When the light fades, we are standing in a large field dotted with glowing blue bugs flying all around us, I look closer they're just heads with big feet and transparent wings, their long hair flows around them as they fly, if I wasn't so scared, I think it would be beautiful. My uncle grabs me by the arm and tugs me harshly towards the massive castle ahead.

"Not the time to play with Jubes girl." he says tugging me harder.

The castle looks run down with bricks missing in places, we approach the thick, heavy front doors that look like the only new thing about it.

The door opens as my uncle raises his dagger in the air, he steps forward dragging me in front of him, then giving me a shove through the doors.

I feel the blade pressed to my back and know I'm meant to keep walking, if I don't want it to become a part of me, I know this man and how he treats, so called family. We walk the halls it's cold and dark, the pictures are broken or burned in places and banners that adorn the walls are ripped and shabby.

We enter a large room with a massive stone table with hundreds of people sat lining each side of it and at the very top in a grand throne chair sits my father.

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