14. Not what it seems

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Just as he said bright and early, but it's Jonathan's wife that greets us, oh my this makes so much sense now, she is the breathtaking green elemental beauty I saw at the ball four nights ago.

"Hello again, I'm Aria." she greets me taking my hand, I take it tentatively.

"Um, yes, it's nice to see you again." I stammer.

"Oh, don't worry dear child, if you're worried about me you need not trouble yourself, I saw what happened and I made sure to quash any horrid rumor that tried its way through here. It was horrid how they spoke to you, if that adorable little protector didn't stand up for you, I would have." she says pointedly. I smile.

"Thank you, that cute little protector of mine was my deerling." I say, as it appears rolling on the grass having a good old scratch at her feet. She giggles in delight.

"How darling." Aria says squatting down to touch it.

My dealing hops into her hand as it accepts her pets happily, absent-mindedly Aria leads us out the doors not looking up from the deerling.

"Good morning my dearest." Jonathan says, greeting his wife with a kiss to her temple.

"Good morning." she replies lovingly.

Wrapping an arm around Aria's waist, Jonathan waves a hand to a group of twenty people.

"Here is a great team I have pulled together for you, they should be able to handle anything you may come across, Ok lady and gents introduce yourselves please." Jonathan says authoritatively.

"Hey there, I'm Metikye, nice to meet chya, I'm from Exidor, ya find ya self in strife, I can burn the place down and get chya out." he says proudly in a deep voice.

His long black hair falls down his back but at that moment a light breeze blows, ruffling his hair slightly enough to see fire red, shift through his hair as it moves.

"I hope it doesn't come to that but it's great to have you onboard." Aiden replies.

"Nathaniel here, I'm your tracker." a tall man with short well-kept ash-blond hair says.

"MacNeil." a man a bit older than the rest, with short dark brown hair and a tidy beard and mustache says in a loud voice.

"But you can call me Mac, I'll have your bodyguard detail with Luc over there." he nods over to a stocky man with shoulder-length blond hair.

"Hi I'm Luc, I hate my name but Luc is better than my full name. I'll have your back day or night." he winces.

A tall beautiful woman with very long, golden-brown dreadlocks in a high ponytail steps forward, her brown skin setting off her deep blue eyes.

"I'm Roxy, I'm your weapons specialist, just because I'm a woman, don't think I can't hold my own because you will be seriously mistaken." she says with a confident smile.

"This is Logan." a man with snow-white shoulder-length hair steps forward.

"He is from Sky Town. He doesn't say much but will give you air support and keep the winds in our favor. These six will lead the other fourteen members of your party, you will have everything you will need." Jonathan says proudly crossing his arms.

"You are traveling northeast towards the dangerous lands, due to the terrain, a carriage would never get through so I've obtained Andocrits to transport you and the supplies you will need to cross the dangerous lands" Jonathan adds.

I approach the Andocrits its large with thick dreadlocked fur, a saddle is strapped to its back, with large sacks bigger than me, strapped to each side of it.

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