The Satan Pit

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Back on the ship Jefferson is fireing on the ood "Open fire" "We're stabilising We've got orbit" zach said as the ship goes back to normal " honey are you there Ida are you both ok". 

Open door 25. 

" It's me! But they're coming"

Close door 25. 

"It's the Ood. They've gone mad"" How many of them " Jefferson said as the ood are still under mind control"  All of them! All fifty""Danny, out of the way. Out of the way " Jefferson said as he tried to get Danny out the way" But they're armed! It's the interface device. I don't know how, but they're using it as a weapon.".

Open door 25. 

 Close door 1. 

Open door 1.

 Close door 1. 

"Lock down. Seal door 1"

Lock down. Door 1. 

"Seal door 24. Seal door 23. Jefferson, what's happening there""I've got very little ammunition, sir. How about you " Jefferson asked how he was doing with the ood" All I've got is a bolt gun. With er, all of one bolt. I could take out a grand total of one Ood. Fat lot of good that is""Given the emergency I recommend strategy nine " he said as he knew they had to get out of here"  Strategy Nine Agreed. Right, we need to get Everyone together. Charlotte What about Ida and the Doctor? Any word "" he not awnser nor has Ida they dead my honey dead" Charlotte started to sob when the doctor got in contact with them " No, sorry, I'm fine. Still here""honey you ok" Charlotte screamed with relief and happiness " Whoa. Careful! Anyway, it's both of us. Me and Ida. Hello. But the seal opened up. It's gone. All we've got left is this chasm""How deep is it"zach asked" Can't tell. It looks like it goes down forever.""omg he coming we going to die "Charlotte was scared for her child and the doctor and everyone"  But there's nothing. I mean There's nothing coming out"" No, no. No sign of the Beast " the doctor replied" I'm scared honey "" it be OK I promise "he said as he tried to calm her down"  Together"" Is the beast real honey if he is I don't want him to hurt my baby "Charlotte said still scared. 

" honey please tell me the truth ""  Ida?I recommend that you withdraw.Immediately" zach said telling her what they going to do"But, we've come all this way"" Okay That was an order. Withdraw. When that thing opened, the whole planet's shifted. One more inch and we fall into the black hole. So this thing stops right now " he said as he told her this was all over they had to come back"  But it's not much better up there with the Ood"" I'm initiating strategy Nine, so I need the two of you back up top immediately, no ar  Ida. Ida " he tried to get through but she cut it off" What do you think""I think they've an order"he said knowing they had to go back "Yeah, but what do you think" "It said, I am the temptation"he looked over at it looking down "Well, if there's something in there, why is it still hiding" "Maybe we opened the prison but not the cell " the doctor wonder" We should go down. I'd go. What about you""Oh. Oh, in a second, but then again, that is so human. Where angels fear to tread. Even now, standing on the edge. It's that feeling you get, eh? Right at the back of your head. That impulse. That strange little impulse. That mad little voice saying, go on. Go on. Go on. Go over. Go on. Maybe it's relying on that. For once in my life, Officer Scott, I'm going to say retreat. Oh, now I know I'm getting old. Charlotte , we're coming back"the doctor called back to them as they started to walk back " that's grate honey see you soon hey mate what you doing" "He's infected. He brought that thing on board. You saw it"he said as he points the gun at Toby "OK mate you don't want to use that would you really do it" "if necessary"he looked at her "well you have to kill me and my baby if you want to kill him. And really the doctor would be so mad if you did so just lower the gun" "Any sign of trouble, I'll shoot him"he said lowering his gun as Charlotte goes to Toby "how you feeling" " Yeah. I don't know."he said shaking " do you remember what happened"" Just, it was so angry. It was fury and rage and death. It was him. It was the devil " he said still should know about what happened" it's ok it's over now "" What's strategy nice " the doctor asked" Open the airlocks. We'll be safe inside the lock down. The Ood will get thrown out into the vacuum""So we're going back to a slaughter"he frowned at her "The devil's work.Okay, we're in. Bring us up" "Ascension in three, two, one " Jefferson said as he about to bring them up when the voice come back. 

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