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Greetings to all my fellows from North to South, East to the West and can't forget those North Westers you guys are crazy.

Nah but really after a very long and very overdue time I have realised a new chapter to my TF2 "Partners?". A lot has gone on for me in my absent time and especially a lot this year as we ALL know. I hope you are all safe and well and okay!

But I've recently had trouble finding myself and breaking the "repetition" of an adult life. Waking up, work, sleep, repeat. I wanted to do a project or some form of creativity to express. I've tried various ways but none felt right.

I decided to reinstall and come back to this app to try some writing and wow.. I had no idea what I was in for. Y'all like reading about old dudes having the hots for each other? Yeah me too it's fun as heck. And TF2 is full of spunks.

All the support and comments has really touched my heart. I never thought these gay boys would make you all want more of my dumb writing. There's definitely better out there more deserving but a huge thank you to each and every one of you.

This is longer than expected sorry but I just wanted to let you know you are all loved, you have been heard, I am alive in my fleshy moving corpse, the new update and that there WILL BE MORE!

You heard it and you've got it! My writing isn't as good as it used to be but I always appreciate feedback and ideas.

Feel free to contact me in inbox for any questions relating to this or anything in general.

I love you guys. Stay safe, happy and god damn awesome.

I'm talking to you Frederick.

Yeah that's right.


You beautiful hunk-a-junk.


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