Chapter 8 - Pushing Buttons

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A new day had arrived as the sunrise illuminated the field. The desert sand shined a bright gold as it glistened in the light and the greenness of the few plantation around was a fitting contrast of the colours. Birds would come and peck at the grains as this one is. A pigeon had decided to explore the field and see what was for breakfast today. Worms perhaps? Or something different for a change? Maybe a little taste of—


"Ah piss!"

An intense and very difficult battle was raging on. In his haste Sniper missed a shot as he was running with his new partner, Medic, around the base avoiding bullets, flames, and everybody's most hated; the Frenchman's insulting backstab. This left any victim to the BLU Spy's blade respawn with anger and humiliation. It was RED and BLU's first day putting their new experiment set by the Administrator into practice and it definitely made for a more stressful and longer fight.

Heavy and Scout were constantly arguing and not focused on the task at hand, which lead to their very repetitive and frustrating trips to the base. Which of course lead to more fighting and their Boston and Russian yelling almost drowning out the gunfire on the field.

Engineer was barley holding his gear together while Demoman was passed out in the corner without a care of what is happening that wasn't giving him a warm bubbly buzz. Engi was a patient man and liked to keep calm. But even he was struggling standing on his own feet.

Spy was having trouble sneaking about and being stealthy when he was paired with a crazed Pyromaniac who loved to blast fire every chance he got, which resulted to the Red Spy having his cover blown constantly and usually being burnt to a crisp. By the enemy Pyro and not his own, surprisingly.

And finally there was the last team; Medic and Sniper. Sniper wasn't used to spending much time with the doctor in battle whilst also being out in the midst of all the chaos and destruction. Cooped up in his nests and high advantage points was where he was comfortable and happy in. He'd done it for years. Heck, he probably couldn't even remember the last time he stood on in the firm ground surrounded by so much danger. He was no coward, it was just his job. 'Sniper' is more than just a nickname.

Meanwhile during the dragged out fight, Soldier was focused on the objective but also surveying his men and how they are handling their new teamwork. The Administrator wanted a report and to see the progress throughout the few months to see the evaluation and how they improve with each battle. After what felt like several hours, the objective was complete. BLU had captured RED's intelligence and finally broke their 5 month winning streak. Their team, who was also participating in the experiment, still had trouble with the new changes but now with the RED side in a disarray today, their victory was even sweeter than they could of ever imagined.

Soldier had called his colleagues into their living quarters for a meeting. Everyone was exhausted and more bruised and cut than they had been in months. The room was silent but everyone knew they had failed worse than they could of expected. Finally, the loud voice spoke up.

"Well men.. we failed. Today wasn't going to be perfect but DAMMIT we need to work better together! You were all sissies out there! What do you all have to say for yourselves?"

"Now Soldier, I did all I could. Demo was snoozin' like a darn goose and left me more vulnerable. Heck, even now he's knocked out cold!"

The Texan gestured towards the still sleeping alcoholic that Pyro had carried in and plopped on the floor. A smack on the head from Soldier made him awake instantly with a jolt. "AhHhwot What??! Whaddaya want? Bloodeh bastard wakin' me!" Engineer was silent. He was a man who grew up with 'If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything'. This was one of those cases. He was biting his tongue. Hard.

The large Russian folded his arms and rolled his eyes. "Hah! Little man over here got in Heavy's way. I could of crushed the enemy team if he stayed back."

"Oh? Oh you wanna go there tough guy? Huh? Huh?!" Scout quickly stood from his seat and stared down at his partner. "Now, now son don't lose your head. Easier to find if it's stuck to your body! No.. wait.. or is it other way round..?"

"If ya wanna blame anybody, blame the dang dimwit who wasn't there for ya fatass or any of ours!" Suddenly his hand was pointed at one man in the room. Everyone looked over to the accuser of the reason they had their biggest loss.

The doctor himself.

Medic's eyes opened in shock with the accusation. Some of the looks he got were of surprise, but some were also agreeing with the young male's claim. He sat there silently. His brows furrowed and he was grinding his teeth behind his closed mouth.

"Where da' hell were ya pal? You always stick to this guy and you ain't anywhere ta be seen.  I needed ya too! We all did! You're da freakin' Medic, jeez."

A face of disgust had now gone from bad to worse. He digged his gloved fingers into the couch, his teeth now showed and a quiet growl was audible as well as staring down Scout hard enough, hoping to try pop his head clean off.

Before another brawl broke out, his partner stepped into the heated argument. "Oi! He was doin' the damn best he could, yeah? Oi was with him and he had a lot comin' at him. At us.
Some of ya's seem to forget he got his own bloody ass that he's gotta protect instead of babysitting you lot!"

The yelling and pointing fingers was instantly silenced. His last few words echoed the room. Sniper hardly raised his voice. He liked to keep to himself but he just wasn't going to sit by and let one person take the blame that wasn't deserving. Everyone was frustrated but there was no need for this much commotion.

Medic slowly stood from his seat. He gave a final glare at Scout before leaving the room muttering inaudible German curses to himself. He didn't want to be in a room with grown adults men acting like school children. Always having to carry the team. Still getting the blame. He had to accept it was always going to be this way. Frustrated, he shut himself in his infirmary for the night hoping for peace and quiet.

Everyone looked at Sniper, not long after Medic left, he stood up too. Spy was probably the most shocked at the outburst. He knew him better than anybody else on the team. The bushman was exhausted. He was tired. It was the most he's done in a long, long time physically and mentally. He couldn't help but wonder if BLU team were always like this after every loss. They'd be different tonight that's for sure.

Before he retreated to his RV, he turned back and left all the men with the point he was trying to make.

"Yeah, he's a doctor. But he's the only doc we got. He does more for us than we give him credit for. We're lucky to have him."

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