The Fight(Part Two)

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(Logan's POV)

 Thanks to De-Janus' powers Thomas could not see Remus, he could only see me. So it was only the other three staring at us in bewilderment. I got off of Remus and turned to Thomas. "Yes?" I said in my usual monotone voice. "New look?" Thomas asked. "I do not only wear the outfit you usually see me in, Thomas. I am merely in my down-time wear." I stated, which was mostly true. "Well, okay, you look good btw. I do have a question." Thomas said, "As to be expected, continue." "Could you please stop stifling Roman? He's been complaining non-stop about how you're always applying Logic to his ideas and I need him functioning." Thomas said I felt my heart figuratively drop. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes. Thomas wanted me to stop doing my job? Why? Because Roman was being a figurative baby? It didn't make any logical sense. I nodded and sunk with Remus who was standing behind me. 

We rose in my room and I immediately turned and buried my face in Remus' chest as I began to cry uncontrollably. Remus picked me up and sat us down on the bed with me still crying. He was trying to calm me by rubbing my back and humming softly. After five minutes of just sobbing, I finally stopped and looked up at Remus. His dark brown hair was perfect, the white streak in the front hung in his green eyes as he looked down at me. His smile was warm and his embrace made me feel safe. Eventually, I sat up, still hugging the creative side, and spoke. "Why do they hate me?" I asked. "No one hates you, baby. They just don't see your merit like Janus and I do," he said with a smile. "Janus sees my merit?" I asked, I thought he hated me like everyone else. 

"Well, I like you a lot more than Janus does, but yes. Logic plays a key part in what he does. Without you, he wouldn't be able to convince Thomas to take time for himself." Remus said, holding my chin. "What do you think would happen if I became a dark side?" I asked. Remus looked shocked, "A dark side? Logan, are you insane?" Remus asked. "It makes the most logical sense. I wouldn't have to put up with all the hate I get around here, and I'd be able to live with you." I said I didn't process why Remus was so worried until much later.

I didn't want to see Roman that evening, but I also had to eat. So, I went downstairs to dinner. As I walked in, everyone stared at me but didn't speak. We sat in silence before Patton spoke up. "So, Logan, how ya doing kiddo?" I pondered the question and decided on an answer. "I'm considering becoming a dark side," I stated this plainly and saw the anger rise in Roman. "What do you mean, kiddo? Why would you ever do that?" Patton asked, giving Roman a death glare that said, 'Attack and I'll ground you.' which seemed to register with Roman. "I mean you all never seem to appreciate my input as much as Deceit does. I mean Remus actually listens to what I have to say instead of just insulting me and changing the subject," I put my fork down and looked up, tears were streaming down my face, "I mean they actually make me feel like I'm important, that I belong, while you only ignore me and push me away. You treat me as if I don't have feelings when you're the reason I have them in the first place." I stood and turned to leave when I was pushed to the ground.

I felt Roman's boot dig into my back. "You. Are. Not. Going. Anywhere. Traitor." the Prince picked me up by the collar, shoving me against the nearest wall. "Roman! Stop!" Patton and Virgil tried to come to my aid, but Roman pushed them to the ground, breaking Virgil's arm. Patton's instincts took over and he began to tend to Virgil, completely ignoring Logan who was slowly being suffocated by the man who was supposed to be his friend. "R-Re-Remus!" I shouted as I passed out from lack of air. I felt my body drop to the floor, my ears were ringing but I could barely make out the argument going on around me. "You asshole! What the fuck is wrong with you!?"I heard the familiar clang of metal on metal. Roman and Remus were fighting. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me as I opened my eyes. "Deceit?" I asked in surprise, "Why are you here?" "I'm not helping you, dumbass." he helped me to stand and handed me my glasses.

I watched in horror as Remus and Roman trashed the dining area. Patton was trying to help Virgil who had fainted from the pain and Deceit was trying to stop the fight. "STOP! JUST FUCKING STOP!" I shouted at the figurative top of my lungs. Everyone quieted down, the twins stopped fighting and looked at me. "Roman, I'm going with Remus and Deceit and there is nothing you can do about it. Now help Patton with Virgil, you broke his arm and I'd be surprised if Patton doesn't have a broken rib or two." I straightened my tie and took Remus' hand. The three of us sunk to the dark side. 

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