CTBHD(Sanders Asides)

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(Remus' POV)

I was sitting around, nothing to do, when I noticed Thomas was doing another video. I made an appearance, made myself known. After the video ended I went to talk to Logan. "Do you really sleep in the buff?" He asked, standing from his desk when he sensed my presence. "Only if you want me to~" I said with a wink. He laughed, gods I loved that laugh. He kissed me before going back to work. "Sooooo, got anything to do?" I asked the adorable side. "We could go annoy the others, fuck, kill something, watch a murder documentry-" I was cut off by my boyfriend, "You like documentaries? Yes!" he practically jumped out of his chair as he came over to me. He grabbed his remote and turned the TV on. "What do you want to watch?" He asked me, he looked like a child who had just been given POISON candy. "How about 'Gypsy Rose'? That's supposed to be good." "Yeah, I have actually been wanting to watch that." he said. Then get over here." i made grabby hands at him. He chuckled at my antics and came over, I wrapped him in a tight hug and we began our binge watch.

I woke up to Logan's alarm the next morning, he had apparently turned the Tv off before drifting off because the show was not running. Logan began to stir in my arms. "Remus, baby, I have to get up." he said as he tried to shake my grasp. "Five more minutes." I pouted. "Fine, alright." we laid there for another hour before Logan's secondary alarm went off. "Okay, now I really have to get up." he pushed his way out of my grasp and began to get ready. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. "How you doin' with the whole 'I'm gonna become a dark side' thing, Lolo?" I asked as I got up and fixed my outfit. I wandered into the bathroom to find him brushing his teeth. I gave him a hug from behind, swaying back and forth. "You gonna answer my question?~" I cooed in his ear. "Every day they figuratively wear me down more, so it's really only a matter of time." he replied. "Oh, Logie. I wish I could just wisk you away from all this stress here and now." I said as I pouted and rested my head on his shoulder. "So, do I, Remus. So do I."

(Logan's POV)

Remus had left before I went to get breakfast. "Hey, Logan! Made some pancakes if you want any." Patton said cheerfully upon my entrance. "Thank you, Patton. I think I'm going to take you up on that offer." I said as I took my place at the table. "I bet you're going to miss Patton's cooking when you become a dark side, huh calculator watch." Roman said to me, venom in his voice. "Deciet is actually quite a good cook, Roman. You'd be lucky to try his cooking. Not that he's any better than you, Patton." I responded between bites. "Thanks kiddo, but please tell me you weren't serious the other day?" Patton responded as he sat down. "I am always serious. Do I not look serious to you?" I motioned to my tie while questioning Patton. "Of coarse you do kiddo! It's just that, I don't want you to leave us." Patton was clearly distressed, but none of them had actually made an effort to include me since my outburst, so I had no sympathy for him. "I say good ridance!" Roman said as he walkked behind me, he slapped the back of my head much to Patton's dismay. "Well, kiddo. Just don't do anything rash, okay?" Patton said as he went to do the dishes. Me? Rash? Never. I returned to my room and continued to do my work.

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