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"Charli I love you" when he said it, I froze, I looked at him with my mouth open like I saw a ghost. "are you all right?, I knew that, if you don't feel the same way, it's totally okay" I'm in shock. No of course I love you too, I knew it but I just didn't expect it. "wait, did you know I still love you? and from whom"
It's a long story, when I cried at home once, my mom came up to me and asked me what was going on and I told her, that I miss you and I still love you, and she told me the kind of sentence that I should remember: When two people love each other, even great pain will not break their love. because true love doesn't rust. "your mom is the best" I know, and the other thing that I knew you still liked me was when I heard your conversation with Nick. "You heard that? Because then when you left, I saw some shadow, and I was hoping it wouldn't be you." Why?! "because I was ashamed to talk to you after all" Don't tell me you were ashamed, I'm not buying that. "and I had this feeling, you don't want to talk to me at all" I wouldn't do that. let's stop talking about it and watch TV, I put my head on his chest and thought about what I was going to wear.


The movie ended and I went to do some Tik Tok, I started laughing because Charli was seen in the video and jumped on my back. Time went fast and we needed to dress up. Charli, I'm going to the shower because we're slowly getting ready. "I'll probably go first because it's going to take me longer" Okay, or we'll go together (I said it with a smirk on my face) she squealed with her head and left the bathroom but had such a strange look, it's like I want to do something wrong, I just want to shower with her but okay never mind. My mom just called me, so I went outside and sat down on the couch.


When Chase said it, I was embarrassed, we showered together before, but now it's different, I can't describe it as embarrassing to me, I just don't know, maybe it stopped him a little bit, but next time he comes with me, I trust him, so I'm not afraid of anything. I turned on my music and hot water gave me energy. I'm not going to dress special, I've got ripped blue pants and a black crop top and went out of the bathroom. I heard Chase on the phone with someone, at first I didn't notice, but I noticed that he was laughing, and he was on the phone for a long time, and at the end he said bye, have a good day, love you and came to the room.
"I'm going to take a shower" well, and who did you call with? he didn't hear me anymore because he walked into the bathroom and closed the door. even though he left his phone on the table, I'm not going to look into him because I trust him. Omg, what is wrong with me, I've never been so naïve. I was on the balcony when, in the reflection of the window, I saw him walk through the room. When he walked out of the bathroom, he was just wearing a towel, his wet black hair, omg I was just staring, he put his hand in his hair and went to get dressed. "hey Charls, what are you wearing" nothing special just jeans and t-shirt "okay and btw i called with my mom"


I wore black ripped jeans and a classic black T-shirt with 2 chains. "already done?" yes. We came out of the room, locked the room and waited downstairs for Jack and Sienna. "I can see them now, let's go half ahead, they'll run us over" Good, I grabbed Charli's hand and we got out of the hotel. "sorry we're late but we fell asleep a little bit" oh that's fine, and now let's go because I'm hungry. I hope there won't be a lot of people here "yes I do too because, today I'm not in the mood for a lot of people" said Sienna, and we walked into the restaurant. We sat down at the table that was in the back, so we had peace at least for a while. We ordered large portions of pizza, chicken winks, coca-cola and ice cream.


You want to come with us to the beach? "of course, yes Chase?" "yes, but I don't know if I can do it after such a good dinner." you are officially together? as a boyfriend and girlfriend? "yes, after everything that's happened, yes, and I don't regret it" Chase said, hugging Charli by the shoulders. This is great, I'm proud of you. "and now that you know about me and Chase, what about you two" "we are dating" said Jack and we started laughing. "wait what, it's serious or you're kidding me" Charli said. We're dating, but we want it to look like we don't, because when we see people worried because of it, we stay private. "Chase and I also decided to stay private, we learned lessons from last time, so it's better, although we have to be careful. Pretend like we're not together but you too look very happy" Yes. "Chase, we do not deserve so beautiful, nice and smart girlfriends". "Exactly they are everything" Jack reached across the table and gave Chase the high five. You too are such a kids.


We were having dinner so we talked about different things and I said: it's 9pm, I'll pay and you'll wait for me outside. "we pay together and ..." No, Chase, I suggested we go to dinner, so I'm paying. "thanks" they said and went out.

👀I think that my story is boring 👀

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