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We were still on the beach, I went for a walk where Chase went but he wasn't anywhere, I came to see Dixie in the water. "why do you look sad?" I don't, why? "Charli, I'm your sister, and I know when you're sad and most important when you're with Chase, are you happiest and where is Chase?" but that's the point. "what" He go to walk about 5 hours ago and still not returned. "and why didn't you go with him" because he said he wanted to go alone, I understand him, and that's why I let him go, and after what happened today, I'm worried about him more, I went for a walk where he went before but he wasn't anywhere. "well, what are we going to do now? are we going to look for him or do you have a better idea?" I don't know what he's going to do something to himself? "Charli, I know he wouldn't do this, and even if he did, he wouldn't do it in a place where there's over a thousand people every day" you'd say he'd do it somewhere no one would find him? "omg no Charli, I'm saying nothing bad happened to him" Noah: "I'd suggest we go to the front desk if he happened to come and let us know then that someone stays outside and someone to go for a walk around the beach and the hotel"

That's a good idea. We went to our place and Noah sent everything out, I stayed on the beach by the hotels with Dixie, Noah, Avani, Anthony, Jack and Sienna. Alex, Kouvr, Nikita and James went to walk to the right side of the beach as Chase. And Larry, Brady Amelie, Blake, Thomas and Mia went to see the restaurant what they were close to us.


"Why didn't I think of calling him?" Charli said it out loud and lived to get a call. "it's ringing but he's not answering" I saw that Charli was very worried about him. It's cute, now she's in her shoes.


what did he say last? "that he needs to walk alone, I think he wanted to feel the way we were apart" maybe you're right. "what?" after all the drama that happened, he was still alone in his room, not talking to anyone. I think he's dealing with it alone, and he definitely needed to calm down like he did so he went away. "but he knows he can talk to us at any time, and last time he talk to me about his problems without any problems" Maybe the fall was a lot for him when he could have died today, but he's here, so he's going to hit at him. "he is strong, physically and mentally only sometimes, he is like a child" and we all laughed.
"listen, I have one more idea" what? "I'm going to call Chase's mom to call him, and if it doesn't help, I don't know anymore. " That's a good idea, but what if his mom's going to be scared. "she knows him, so she'll know how to react" Avani: "but you know him well" Charli: "I know but how do I find him? I'm going to call her"


I dialed Chase's mom. Hey, Tammy, how are you? "oh hi Charli, am I well, I heard you're on vacation how are you?" I got super just, and I started crying. "Charli you're in a siding, what happened?" I don't know where to start. "calm down and when you go, i'll call you in a minute" isn't it good, is it Chase, has he ever left alone for a long time? "yes, but only for an hour or two, why?" but there was such a thing, we were playing with the ball and Chase tried to catch it and fell from the pier into the water. When the doctors arrived, they treated him and told us that there was a large piece of iron in the water where he fell that he could be smed of and die because it would tear him apart. then we went to the beach and he told me he needed to go alone, left 6 hours ago and he still hasn't come back. "I know you're worried about him, but I'm not doing anything anymore, he's 18 and he's doing what he feels appropriate, I know he likes you very much, don't worry he'll come back, just give him time" I think he's had enough time. and we both laughed. "all right, Charli, thank you for calling me, I'm going to call him right now"

Tammy/aka mama huddy

heard that Charli was worried about him, it could be heard from her voice. Chase picked it up and I was glad after what I heard.

Hi Chase." oh hey mom, how are you?" I'm fine, just please tell me what happened to you, you little kiddo. "how do you know what happened?" Charli called me to say you're gone and you've been gone a long time, and that's what happened to you. "omg I completely forgot about the time, I'm coming, bye mom" no Chase wait. "yes?" Charli was very worried about you, don't do anything you'd regret afterwards. "Mom, I know, I love her very much too." Okay kiddo go and have a good day, bye. "bye mom I love you".


I completely forgot what time it was and now I have seen that they are probably worried about me and especially Charli. I went down from the tree and went back to the hotel.


we went through all the restaurants and eventually we went back to the hotel because we haven't seen him anywhere.


We didn't find him anywhere, so we went back to the hotel. we've walked the whole beach from top to bottom.


I saw they were coming back, but without Chase. I know it for sure, he will be fine, wherever he is right now. We all went in my and Chase room and we waited for him to come back.

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