B1: ⅩⅣ [14]

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In the dorms everyone is hanging in the common room or in the kitchen making breakfast for themselves, a few people tho are confused about the incident from the day prior.

The way Midoriya ran out of the door with a bag and a scared expression, made some of the 1A teens question and ask themselves what could scare the "cinnamon roll".

Kiri was confused, three of his classmates weren't at the dorms and two of them are danger magnets.

"Hey is anyone else getting a weird feeling about today or is it just me?" asks Kiri in a nervous tone to the rest, "Actually yeah, I feel like something bad is gonna happen" Mina speaks up nervous as well.

"I thought I was the only one" Kami says surprised and confused, this starts up a conversation with everyone. Then Momo speaks up "I feel like it has something to do with the three that aren't here"

This made the conversation halt but someone decides to harshly comment about two of the three "I bet Deku and Todoroki are doing something together" "Why do you say that Uraraka?" questions Kiri.

"Someone gave me a note that he was cheating on me with Todoroki, turns out it was true so I dumped him" hearing this confuses Kiri cuz he as well as the others know that Todo and Mido act more like siblings than anything plus Todo was dating Shinsou which he found out not too long ago.

As Kiri's about to speak Aizawa speeds into the common room and stands in front of everyone with a serious look on his face, "Sensei what's wrong?" everyone just stares at Aizawa confused, "Yaoyarozu, Shinsou and Kirishima you're coming with me" he says then starts walking away with them following behind, confused even more. [10:08am]
Izu wakes to find herself on an unfamiliar couch and the smell of cooking, she looks around starting to panic but calms down hearing a familiar and soothing voice "Hey hey, Izu calm down okay, we're at Natsuo's place, you're safe" Sho says to her as he places a plate in front of her.

Izu sits up and starts eating, halfway through the plate Izu begins feeling sick "Sho where's the bathroom?" She asks as she slowly stands up, "It's the first door on the left" he says as she walks to it leaning on the walls a bit.

As soon as she gets to the bathroom she goes straight to the toilet and throws up into the bowl, Natsuo walks past but does a double take, "Shoto!" Sho comes right over and sees this unfold before him "Natsuo do u still have any of ur ex's stuff, like that test?" Natsuou thinks for a second then nods and goes to grab it out his room.

He comes back with it and hands it to his brother, He then starts connecting the dots like the bruise on Izu's cheek, the throwing up -threw up in her sleep twice-, the way Shoto's been acting sense he called him and now the test "Oh Shit! Who did it?! Who needs to die?!" He whisper yells to Sho who's now rubbing Izu's back.
(Part 14, Yo fuckers, who knows what's 'bout to go down?!)

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