B1: ⅩⅤ [15]

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Izu finally stops throwing up, so she starts to stand up with the help of Sho but as soon as she's up right he hands her a pink box with the words 'Pregnancy Test' on it in bold letters.

She looks at him confused "Uh Sho, what's this for? I probably just have a stomach bug" She says confused, Sho puts his hands on her shoulders "Izu just take the test then we'll see if that's all u have, please?" He says with serious but pleading eyes, she then looks to Natsuo who has a pleading look in his eyes as well.

Izu lets out a sigh then nods her head "I'll tell you what I got" she says pushing the boys out the bathroom then closing and locking the door. Sho and Natsuo go to the living room and wait on the couch, a few minutes go by and nothing changes so they wait a few more.
Eight more minutes have gone by and still nothing, "Natsuo I'm gonna go check on Izu" Sho says getting off the couch, Natsuo doing the same "I'm gonna do it cuz your anger issues are worse then mine" he then pushes Sho back down and walks away.

A few seconds later Natsuo yells and punches the wall putting a slight dent in it, Sho gets up and walks over to him "WELL?!" he questions with anger in his eyes. Natsuo looks at him with a look of sadness and anger, Sho's face goes as white as a ghost and his arms drop to his sides.

Sho just then notices the crying Izu sitting on the floor of the bathroom, he walks over to her, crouches down and hugs her tightly while rubbing circles on her back. Izu grips onto Sho's shirt tightly crying into his chest repeating that she wants to die or that she shouldn't have been born.

Sho picks Izu up then gives her to Natsuo who takes her to the living room then calls Fuyami, she gets there a few minutes later and by then Izu is asleep on the couch and Natsuo as well as Sho are nowhere to be seen, all that's left is a note that says 'Call EraserHead in ten minutes and tell him this address XXXX st Park'

Fuyami understands the predicament only a little bit but goes with the plan anyway.
About two minutes ago Sho used Izu's phone to text Baku a message for him to come to the park and he just arrived only to see Sho and his brother.

"The fuck is this Icy-Hot?" (Idk the fight scene so let's just say they start fighting with their quirks making lost of noise then Aizawa gets there with Kiri, Momo and Shinsou)
There's a huge crowd of people along with a cramera crew and news reporter around the park all thinking there's a villain attack going on, Aizawa gets through with his three other students seeing the destruction before them unfolding very fast.

"Yaoyarozu make quirk cancelling cuffs, kirishima go hold Bakugou back and Shinsou you get Todoroki, I'll get the other guy!" Everyone does their part, Aizawa stops all three other the fighting boys quirks while Momo makes the cuffs and Kiri as well as Shinsou hold Baku and Sho back from each other, with Aizawa holding Natsuo.

Momo goes to each pair and hands them a pair of cuffs to put on their captive fighter. Baku is just sending out a line of curses and insults to the two boys who double-teamed him, saying that they jumped him for no reason.

Neither Sho nor Natsuo speek a word to Baku as they are taken to and put in police cars that just arrived at the scene.

(Part 15, Yo Fucktarts How this goin' to u's do ya like it?)

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