B1: ⅩⅩⅤ [25] Memories 1

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Izu slowly gets on Tomura's back, once she's secure he stands up "what store do u need to go to?" He asks in a bored monotone, "just the hair shop if that's okay" she mumbles loud enough for only him to hear, so he nods and carries her there.

Izu's arms are rapped around Tomura's neck gently to not choke him but tight enough that she won't fall off him. She happy he's being nice to her but confused about 'why', why is her being nice to her? what does he want from her? Does he plan to use her just like Baku does or something? She doesn't want that,

"Stop mumbling and no I'm not gonna do anything to u, ur useful but not like that" Tomura says snapping Izu back to reality and making her smile. "Even if ur a villain, u have a heart of gold" Izu says to him happily. Tomura becomes surprised but ignores his thoughts "We're here, now get what u need. I have to get back" he says putting her down.

Izu becomes a little sad as he starts walking away so she does one of many things in her mind, she grabs a corner of his hoodie tugging it a bit as her ears flatten a lil 'Tomura?' she whispers. He stops walking and turns his head to look at her confused "what do u want?" He questions with annoyance and tiredness.

"U probably don't trust me but can we exchange numbers?"

Izu gets back to the dorms and to her room with some hair dye remover in a bag, she's also happy for once after such a long time. Tho she's still questioning why Tomura was nice to her unlike any other time they've run into each other.

She then debates about telling the person she's closes to, Shoto. She remembers her and Sho's first meeting so clearly as if it was a few seconds ago and it wasn't a normal happy one either, Izu ends up falling asleep on her bed while thinking of it.

After her mother's death\\suicide she was taken to an orphanage that she was in for a few months. At a doctors office she had blood drawn for a dna test to find out who her father was.

When they did she was then taken police station where she would be given to her father whom she never met and never thought she would meet what so ever. All she knew about the man was that he wasn't very kinda or forgiving and that he didn't know she existed.

But when the number two hero showed up in normal clothing she was confused but thought him being there was just a coincidence, that was until the detective that brought her in walked up to him. They started talking whilst she was sitting by the window holding her stuffed rabbit and fidgeting nervously.

(Part 25; flash back time, as well as father reveal! If u haven't guessed it yet)

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