-Part 1-

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i walk up to the school gate, i was in my uniform and had my black messager bag on my shoulder. I walk through the gate and up the path to the door of the school, i just moved here and its my first day. I finally make it to the office. Teacher: You must be Alex, here is your class, oh and you need to pick a club to join by the end of the week. with that i walk to my classroom and sit down, after a short introduction class starts.

-Skip to Lunch-

Before i leave my teacher stops me Teacher: Alex, there is only one club left unfull, are you okay with joing the boys volleyball club? i nod and walk out of the room, i go and sit on the roof and watch the clouds move, when suddenly my view is blocked by 3 boys. Daichi: Hi, im Daichi, im the club leader of the boys volleyball team. i nod at him. Suga: im Suga, and this is asahi. Daichi: we were informed you dont talk, but you are Alex correct. i nod. Daichi: okay well, we will have your uniform and jacket in the gym this afternoon, do you want to see the locker room we use and ya know set yours up i guess. i nod, with that all four of us walk to the locker room, i put my gym clothing inside the locker and we head into teh gym and they show me where everything is. Daichi: we have a coach, Ukai, and Takeda is the teracher manager, the others are students as well, so ill introduce you than, uhm...oh also have you ever played before. i nod, i wright down on my white board. Alex: i can do anything you need me to, im an all around player.Suga: thats awesome! the bell rings and we bid each other good bye and go to our classrooms.

-club time-

as i walk out of my classroom dachi and suga come up to me. Suga: the others are a bit...over whelming, well the players, so we are gonna take you with us okay, just so they dont do anything stupid. i nod and we walk to the locker room where everyone is, we get changed, daichi and suga keeping teh otehrs away for now. we are the last three to enter the gym. Ukai: you must be Alex, takeda told me about you, and how you...dont talk, welcome to the team. i nod at him. Daichi: everyone listen up! this is Alex, he is a first year, he is our new player, he does not talk so dont try to make him or we are gonna have some issues, alex, you know asahi, thats tanaka and noya, there are 2nd years, we have, Ennoshita, kinoshita and narita, also 2nd years, and kageyama, hinata, tsukishima and yamaguchi, all first years. i nod. Tsukishima: New meat huh... hinta and noya come up right under me. Noya/Hinata: YOUR NEARLY AS TALL AS TSUKISHIMA! suga moves them back a bit. Suga: dont do that...give him some space. Kageyama: why, just because he does not talk? he has to work for my respect, i wont serve to him till he earns it. i glare at kageyama a bit when i feel someone grab my right wrist, i look to see 2 girls. Daichi: ohyeah, thats Kiyoko, 3rd year and yachi, 1st year. i look at kiyoko holding my wrist, i dont like people touching me but...i feel like i can troust these two. i look back up and nod at them. Yachi: y..your really t..t..tall. "shes afriad..maybe if i just..." i get onto my knees so im more close in hight to yachi. Yachi: AHH! y..you didnt n..n..need to do that. Kiyoko: i need to get his jacket and uniform, ill be back. with that she leaves into a nearby room. Tsukishima: tsk, what are you planing to do to her? cause i seem to have an idea. i look at the male. i feel someone grab the back of my shirt and pull me away from her. Tanaka: DONT HURT HER! i stand up and look around, i give daichi and suga a look to say im leaving and im disapointed in this group and start heading to the door. Yachi: YOU BOYS! WHY DID YOU DO THAT! ALEX, WAIT UP...PLEASE! yachi runs infrount of me at the door and take my wrist in her hands. Yachi: its okay! please dont leave! they dont understand you yet! i look at her and go around her heading to the locker room, i arrive and take my shirt off and put it into my locker when the door is slammed open, i was careful to not show my chest before by putting my shirt on than taking my school shirt off. noya: w..WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU. i throw shirt back on fast and grab my uniform and stuff it into my bag. "no time to change than" i  go to leave only to be corned in. Ukai: OKAY GIVE HIM ROOM. as soonas there is a smalll break i run out but get tackled down the stairs, i was laying on my back at the bottom of the stairs and a noya stradling me. "fuck...SHIT! NO NO NO...not now please, not now please dont freak out right now!" Daichi: noya is ripped off me and i stand up and see tsukishima holding my bag. Daichi: give the bag ove- Tsukishima: no...not till we get answers. "answers...they expect answers!" i kick him in the balls and grab my bag and make a break for it.

-next day-

i walk into my classroom and sit down, as soon as i do i see daichi and suga walk in and up to me. Daichi: im sorry about what they did, they were told off by not only us, but ukai and takeda, the 1st and 2nd years are not to bright..most of the time. i wright on my white board. (each time alex talks its him wrighting unless said so) Alex: its fine, at least no one was hurt. Suga: you were hurt alex! thats unfair on you. Alex: im fine, dont worry about me so much, all im gonna do is make a warm spot on the bench thats all. the bell rings so they both leave, but not before saying the gym is open at lunch times for us as well.


i go to the locker room and change and head down to the gym, i grab the volleyball cart and i start spiking with my self. when the cart is empty i pick all the volleyballs up and spike them back into the cart, it saves time! i go to start spiking again but i hear the door creak, i look over to see the team. Daichi: that was, amazing alex! where did you learn. i go over to my board. Alex: i taught myself, and youtube. Suga: thats amazing! Noya: alex, we are sorry. Alex: dont worry, its not a nice sight to see, so i understand. with that i go back to the cart and start spiking, only to have noya act as a libero. Noya: hey, i take all the chances i can. suga comes over and sets for me, after a few spikes noya could no longer know where i was gonna spike. Noya: okay...he is way better than i thought. i look at the time and start packing up, everyone helps and soon im in the locker room with everyone and i change, no point hiding when they have all seen it. as i put my shirt on i leave it undone and put my jacket on i start hanging up my gym clothing sng get my bag ready, i feel a fingur on one of my marks i look down to see noya and hinata starking to poke around at them, i huff so they know i know and they look up and smile. Noya: it look cool! suga: boys! i shake my head at suga and just shrug. they keep doing htis as i ready my bag but as soon as the bell goes we all leave and i do up my shirt as we walk, soon im by myself and in my classroom.

-im making teh next part right now, so hopefully it gets out soon!-

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