-Part 3-

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-club time-

i walk into the gym with the rest of the team in our clothing. Takeda: Well, alex can go on our volleyball training camp! i nod. Suga: that fast! Yachi: alex can sign his own notes! i nod at that. Noya: whaaaa, how come! i look at takeda and nod. Takeda: well, alex's dad lives in america and is alex's only living family left, its a long process to go through and needs to be approved and everything. i nod. Suga: so...not only do you walk way further than any of us, but...you also live by yourself? i nod. Alex: i do fine on my own, my dad sends me money. Suga:...are you sure? i nod. after that we all get on with practise.

-at ukais shop-

we were all eating meat buns when suddenly ukai comes outside holding a bag and holds it up to me, i take it and look inside to see some lolli's Ukai: im gonna say you like to save, so thats on the house. with that he leaves. Noya: UKAIIII WE WANT LOLLIIISSSSSS. Ukai: NO! Daichi: so, todays thursday, and we leave saturday morning for the training camp, so how about on friday after school, everyone one can stay at someone house so we can all be on time. Suga: sounds perfect! i have the baskement area so we wont be crowded by adults or anything, ill message the group chat f its allowed, oh alex, whats your number.

-next day-

i walk into school and head for my gym locker, i put my extra 2 bags in it, we were stayin at suga's, his mom allowed it and said she cant wait to meet me for the first time. i go to my classroom and sit in my seat.

-after club time-

we all go to the locker and we all change, grab our bags and go to suga's house.

-At suga's home-

Suga mama: Ah! boys! welcome, so nice to see you again, and ohh you must be Alex, nice to meet you darling! she hugs me andi hug her back. "ive not hugged a mother...since...since teh crash" i blink back my tears and soon we all go to the basement and set up our beds. Tanaka: sooooo- Suga: yachi and kiyoko are on there way! Noya: YEAHHHHHHH! Tanka: we should totally play truth or dare when they get here! Hinata: YEAH! Suga: i..i guess. soon yachi and kiyoko arrive and we all sit in a circle and strt playing. Noya: hrmmm, YACHI! who do you think is best lookinnnnnnnnnn. Yachi: u..uhm well....t..to be honest i..i do- Kiyoko: she thinks its Alex. my eues widen in surprise. "what...well, if she ever sees the scars she wont" Suga: alex, dont doubt it! Alex: she will change her mind if she ever sees. Yachi: see what?!?! Alex: nothing, dont worry :) Daichi: alright, Yachi your turn to ask. Yachi: uhm... after hours of playing we all go to bed.


i was the first to wake up, i got up, dressed and got ready, i was all ready by the time everyone one was just waking up. I was dressed in my normal clothing, including a black beanie. as we walk outside Sugas home we see ukai and takeda with the bus, we all get in with our bags and ukai drives us to the place. 

-On the way-

I had Tanaka next to me. Tanaka: so, Alex...do you share a class with anyone else from teh team. Alex: no. Tanaka: huh...weird. Alex: im in a small class, for the even smarter than smart people you could say. Tanaka: so...how smart are you. Alex: i think im very smart, but that could just be me. i heard a throwing up noise. Kageyama: HINATA BOKE! ukai pulls over and we get out to let hinata settle and the bus to stop smelling. i get a lollipop out from my carry-on bag since my other two were under the bus in teh compartment, i walk over to hinata and hand it to him, he opens it and starts sucking on it and in no time his colour returned to his face and he was his normal self. Tanaka: wh- i shrug at tanaka and we all get back in the seats we were in before and keep driving. Tanaka: how did you know that will work? Alex: magic! Tanaka: so...what would you do if we were on a plane. thats how the rest of ride went for me, tanaka talking and asking questions, or even answering while i used my white board to communicate with him, he didnt seem to mind, in fact it was...sorta...natrual for him.


we all get out with our carry-on bags and grab our extra two bags, all the rest of the team talks to the other teams who are already here, while i follow takeda and ukai to the room and set myself up in the far corner, like i did at suga's place. after 20 mins the boys come in, the girls were staying in the female manager room with the otehr female managers, everyone sets up and seems to not take notice where ive put myself. Tanaka: hey! alex, why you in the far corner. i shrug and ignore him and continue setting up. but suddenly i hear a few bags drop behind me, i turn and see tanaka but soon enough everyone was pushed onto the left wall side neatly. Suga: how did we never think of this! the door opens to show a male with black spikey hair. ?: hey! all teams are gonna just have a chill day, so ill meet you all in the gym, yeah? with that the team follows. "peace...finally" i sit on my small bed thing (i forgot what they are called im sorry!) i get a machanics book and start studying up, i read all about building and machanics and science for fun. the door is ripped open after a few minuites and yachi runs in and hides behind me, a group of girls run in, kiyoko walking in behind them. Yachi: h..help me alex! they are trying to put make-up on me! "h...what...WHAT AM I MEANT TO DO!" takeda and ukai run in and get all teh girls even yachi out of the room and leave me be. i get my book and walk out of the school, i soon find a huge tree, and i climb up in it and start reading.

-sorta dark-

i hear yelling all of a sudden. Ukai: ALEX, WHERE ARE YOU! i jump down and once he see's me he runs up and grabs me by the shoulders. Ukai: we thought you ran off. i relised i didnt have my board with me so i open my book and point at the words i need. Alex: sorry, i need air and some space. he nods, we head to the dining hall and i sit down at the end of the karasuno table, the tables are hugeeee. i eat by myself till a guy with upright white hair and black roots sit infrount of me, and next to him the spikey hair guy from before. ?: sup, im Karoo, and this is bokuto. they explain who they are and who everyone else is before they leave to go to bed, i was in the room alone. i saw everyone left the place a mess so i start picking it all up and cleaning the dishes in the kitchin area when ukai enters. Ukai: kid, alex, your meant to be asleep, this was my job. i shrug and keep cleaning, but he does start drying and putting the things away. Ukai: so, alex, you managed hinata really well today, im surprised, we thought we tried everything to help him, but i guess not. i nod at him. Ukai: Alex...the boys on the first day, do you mind showing me...these scars. i nod and take off my shirt, i turn around slowly before putting it back on. Ukai: you seem to of been to hell and back over 1000 times already...not even ive been to hell and back twice yet im sorta fucked up...and you alex, your strong, its amazing. i shake and get my white board. Alex: my scars show the battle i lost, but they will never compare to the metal battle that i live with every second of every day, of every year of my life most likely, i no longer talk, im not strong if ive yet to win the battle. Ukai: how long? Alex: since i was 8, on my birthday, so 8 1/2 years. Ukai: shit kid...your right your not strong, your beyound strong. i shrug. with that we were done so ukai sends me to the showers than bed.

-next morning-

im first up again, i get changed into my training clothing and head to the gym, it was opened i use one of the courts and a trolley of volleyballs, it was 4:30am and i worked till everyone came in at 10. than we all help set up and start our practise matchs.

-Game with nekoma-

i was working as mostly a blocker, till kageyama suddenly shouted my name as he sets. Kageyama: ALEXXXXXX!!!! i see the ball...it was my job to spike it and get a point, i run (same speed as hinata alough never shown the team before) i jump and spike it hard going through 3 nekoma players hands and get the point. Ukai: WHAAAAA!  we kepted playing, i was spiking and blocking, but suddenly i saw that kenma was gonna do a setters dump, i change from my blocking postion infrount of karoo to infrount of kenma and stop his settter dump. We ended up winning the match 25 - 18 thats how most of the matchs go for the whole time, me hiding, cleaning and playing hte games.

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