Part Three : Meeting

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As Jenna felt Owens hands wrapped around her she felt like she couldn't breath, this has to be a dream she thought.

She couldn't help herself, but to hug him back.

After what felt like forever she felt Owen let go and stared at him with her eyes wide

Owen looked at her "Its nice to finally meet you" he said with a smile

Jenna smiled "you too" she said then looked down suddenly feeling embarrassed

Owen looked down at Jenna's suitcase "here let me" he said as he grabbed her luggage. "You're probably starving by now, and airplane food isn't the best, where would you like to go to eat?"

Jenna shrugged "I don't really know" she said "anything is fine with me"

Owen nodded "I know this great cafe, that sells amazing sandwiches.. wanna go there?" He asked

Jenna nodded with a smile "sure, sounds great"

Owen began to walk out of the airport with Jenna following right next to him and towards his truck.

Owen put Jenna's luggage in the trunk, as Jenna went to sit in the passengers seat, once Owen was finished he got into the drivers seat and began to drive to the cafe.

Once they arrived at the cafe and Owen parked in a parking spot Jenna got out of the car, thankful that the ride was over, not that she didn't like it, but she felt whenever Owen would try to talk to her she would get nervous and suddenly forget how to speak.

"Calm down Jenna, this isn't a date.. he doesn't like you.. this whole thing will be over tomorrow and you will never talk to him again, enjoy the time you have with him now" Jenna whispered to herself then looked over her shoulder and noticed Owen walking towards her.

Owen smiled at her then they began to walk inside the cafe together.

A waitress showed them to their seats and passed them the menu.

"Order whatever you like" Owen said with a smile

Jenna looked up from the menu and looked at him and smiled slightly "hmm, I don't know about that everything looks good"

Owen chuckled.

"Any recommendations, on what I should try then?" Jenna asked.

Owen shrugged "the grilled cheese is always my go too."

Jenna nodded "you can't go wrong with a grilled cheese"

Owen looked at Jenna "exactly!" He smiled at her

The waitress came and Owen and Jenna ordered the grilled cheese sandwiches and two cups of coffee.

Owen looked at Jenna "So.. what made you want to enter?"

Jenna looked at him and raised an eyebrow "well I am a fan of the show and thought why not, you know?"

Owen nodded "yeah, I get that but you don't seem, I don't know how to put it in the nicest way possible.. but outgoing"

Jenna chuckled "ouch" she shook her head "you're right I'm not the adventurous type, which is why I decided to do this, I wasted all my life listening and doing what other people told me to do that I thought why not"

Owen nodded

"Plus, I didn't think that I'd actually get picked" Jenna chuckled

Owen looked at her "Well, you're still young and have so much ahead of you so enjoy it, and live your life"

Jenna smiled "thank you"

Owen nodded and smiled "you're welcome"

Once their food came they talked for hours on random topics like what Jenna is studying and what she plans for the future, as well as Owen's upcoming projects and season 2 of JATP.

Jenna couldn't stop smiling the entire time Owen is really kind and funny and a great guy and knows the exact words to say.

"So, I will drop you off at the hotel where you can get some rest, then I will pick you up around noon tomorrow and you'll be able to meet the band, before going to the alter to get married then divorced" Owen said as he paid for the food

Jenna's smile faded, up until now she had completely forgot that her and Owen were getting married then divorced tomorrow. Jenna quickly nodded "yeah sounds good"

Once Owen dropped off Jenna at the hotel, they said their goodbyes then Jenna checked into her room that she would be staying at for the next couple of days.

Jenna entered the room and looked around putting her luggage by the door and went over to the bed and laid on it. Jenna couldn't help but feel sad she knew that her and Owen weren't together but this is the first time in Jenna's life where someone actually cared for her and she was sad to know that in a couple of days it would all be over.

Jenna quickly got up and took a shower before getting into bed "I gotta he rested for tomorrow, I get to meet the rest of the band" Jenna said with a smile before falling asleep.

AN: hey!! sorry for the short chapter, I didn't wanna add to different subjects into one chapter so decided to split it! But Jenna meets the band next chapter, how do you think that's going to go, you excited??

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