Part Four : Meeting the band

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Jenna woke up at around 7:30 that morning, which gave her about 2 hours before Owen was coming to pick her up before she met the band.

She is extremely nervous, and she doesn't want to make a bad first impression to them, she doesn't really know why she is nervous, it's not like Owen will be introducing her as his girlfriend, just the winner of his contest.

Jenna went and took a shower, then straightened her hair and put a small application of makeup on and got dressed

Jenna walked over to the window in her room and looked out at the view when she heard her phone buzz, she walked over to her phone and saw it was a message from Owen

"Hey Jenna, I'll be outside in 5 mins :)"

Jenna smiled slightly then grabbed her purse before heading out the door and locking it then beginning to walk to go to the lobby.

Once she went outside she saw Owen's truck pull in to the parking lot, once he the truck stopped infront of her she got into the passengers seat.

"Hey" Owen said with a smile "How'd you sleep?"

Jenna nodded with smile "I didn't even realize how tired I was until I laid down on the bed, slept like a baby"

Owen chuckled "I'm so glad to hear that" he began to drive.

Jenna looked at the road then back at Owen "So, where are we off to now?

Owen turned to look at Jenna raising his eyebrow before giving his attention back to the road chuckling "Meeting the rest of the cast, silly"

Jenna smiled slightly then shook her head "no I meant, what are we doing, just meeting them.."

"No, we're going to film a video to introduce you to the world, fans are really curious" Owen said

"Oh" Jenna looked out her window

"What, you don't seem too excited about that" he said.

"No, I am, it's just I don't really know how their going to react and stuff"

"Don't worry about it... they know it's not a real relationship, they won't go to crazy"

Jenna nodded then looked down "right"


A couple minutes later Owen and Jenna arrived at a studio the the band had planned to meet up at.

Jenna got out of the car and her and Owen walked into the studio together.

Once she entered she saw Jeremy, Charlie and Madison sitting on a couch laughing at something.

"Hey guys" Owen said breaking their laughter.

All three of them looked up at the pair and Jenna felt her self getting nervous.

"Hi" she said then looked down feeling her face grow red as a tomato.

Madison got up from the couch and went over to hug Jenna "hey girlie, how's it going"

Jenna looked at Madi and smiled slightly "it's going good"

Charlie looked at Jenna "so, how does it feel being the lucky winner and getting married to this dork"

Jenna shrugged "eh, I guess it's average" she joked .

Owen looked at her "ouch"

For the last couple of hours Jenna was getting to know the band, and they were getting to know her.

Now they about to film the video where they introduce Jenna as the winner.

All four of them stood in front of the camera, while Jenna was behind the camera watching them.

Before she knew it they were all looking at her waiting for her to join them in front of the camera, Jenna started to walk, and put herself in the middle of the four and smiled at the camera.

Owen smiled at her and put his arm around her shoulder "This right here is Jenna and she is going to become my bride tomorrow, so everyone hold on to your hats because it's going to be an awesome day"

Jenna smiled then looked down blushing as Jeremy went over to the camera to stop recording

"Is the wedding really happening tomorrow?" Madi asked

Owen looked at her "yeah it is"

"Well, looks like I gotta be ready to ride a horse tomorrow"

All of them laughed and continued to spend the rest of the day together getting to know Jenna a bit more.

On their way back to the hotel Owen looked over at Jenna and said "if you're not to tired, wanna grab some food to eat"

Jenna nodded "that sounds nice, let's do it"

Owen smiled and drove to the cafe, once they arrived they sat in the same spot as last time and chatted for hours..

"Wait... let me get this straight, you are terrified of zebras.. how?!? Owen said with a raised eyebrow

"Ever since I was little, I had this dream that I was in the middle of no where and all of a sudden a bunch of zebras came to me like they wanted to eat me" Jenna said in a serious tone.

Owen laughed "I'm sorry, but that has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, zebras are harmless"

Jenna looked at him "oh yeah, how do you know that?!?"

Owen shook his head "tomorrow, after the wedding we're going to the zoo and I'll prove it too you"

Jenna looked at him "no, not necessary at all"

Owen nodded "yes it is.... consider it a honeymoon" Owen put his hand out for her to shake "deal?"

Jenna looked at his hand and sighed "I don't really have a choice do I?"

Owen shook his head "nope"

Jenna shook his hand "fine... deal, but only for an hour, that's all I'm giving you".

"That's all I need anyway" Owen smiled.

On their way to the hotel Owen and Jenna spent the entire time listening and singing to the radio and having a good time.

Once Owen parked in the parking lot of the hotel, he turned and looked at Jenna "I'll come and pick you up tomorrow, and then we can go to the alter together, alright?"

Jenna nodded "yeah sounds great"

Owen smiled "perfect"

As Jenna was about to get out of his truck Owen held her hand and she looked at him with a raised eyebrow "there's a guy over-there wearing black and white stripes, try not to get scared okay"

Jenna chuckled then looked over at the guy "oh dear how will I survive" she rolled her eyes.

Owen chuckled "See you tomorrow"

Jenna smiled then got out of the car then walked into the hotel and up to her room. Once she got into her room she went over to the bed and sat down

"Am I going crazy or did I feel a spark when he touched my hand" Jenna said to herself.

AN: how'd you guys like this chapter?? I wanted it to kind of be funny before some drama happens in next chapters!!
Also next chapter is the wedding! But I'm torn should Jenna and Owen kiss after saying I do or not, I have an idea on where it could go both ways but I wanna hear your guys opinions first so you won't be disappointed in the outcome!

Again thanks for all the love! I appreciate you all!

Part 5 Coming soon!!!

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