Chapter 10

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Well I guess I'm doing a chapter for today I kind of needed something to distract me so if the writing is not as good then I'm sorry about that also thank you all for voting on the story it really means a lot to me! POG ANYWAY ILL START THE STORY NOW!!!
Zelkam POV
I was following someone that's had the same scarf as my dead boyfriend but something seemed off. I didn't want to get to close for them to notice me but I also needed to see them. They finally rounded around the corner then they were gone.
Then I felt myself leaning back and something poking into my neck. It was him the guy on the house with the scarf and HE HAD A DAGGER AGAINST MY NECK.
"Oh my GOD I'm so so so sorry I didn't mean to follow you it's just that's you have a scarf that looks like one I made oh my lord please don't hurt meeeee." I stammer out of my mouth.
I think he believed me because he lowers the knife away from my neck. I turn around to look at him and I was shocked!
"MEGA!" I yelled out and started to cry. I started him.
He just tilted his head confused.
"Mega cmon it's me Zelk.... You don't remember your boyfriend?" I ask still sobbing.
He then raised the knife again and pointed it at me. I knew this had to be Mega. They had the same hair scarf and similar clothing, also height too. There was know way it couldn't be him.
The clock tower started to ring meaning it was around 9:00 and I looked behind me to see it and when I looked back Mega was gone and I started to run back to Bad's house continuing to cry my heart out.
Sapnap POV
As we were riding our horses toward the castle we almost ran someone over but who cares about that all we needed to do is just kill the prince not that hard right? Dream was excited and George seemed happy so I was too.
Dream kept humming as we made our way there the. I saw him. A boy who was a little bit tall had short hair and wore all different colors of clothing on him. He was cute...(If you don't know then this is Karl!)and I wanted him. I stopped my horse and just stared at him.
I think he noticed me because he saw me blushed and waved. I was trying to be cool so I winked then I heard George start talking.
"Ohhhhhh Sapnap's got a crush, on multicolor over there."
"I do not GOGY!"
"Yea you doooo"
Then Dream interrupted
"After we do what we need to do you can grab him ok?"
"Yep" I responded and we kept going to the castle.
(Fast forward to the castle because I'm a little lazy also it's night time.)
Dream POV
We finally made it to the castle and it was huge and there were not a large amount of guards they must really think the Techno guy can fight if they don't have guards.
We waited for it to get a little bit darker then we would sneak in and kill him.
(It is now darker)
"Alright Sapnap you go in through the main area and  knock out the guards and George take out the people in the watch tower and I'll go through the back sound good?" I told them the plan.
"Ight boys let's go to work!" I told them.
We all want our separate ways and after a little bit of running I finally made it to the back of the castle. I started to climb the wall.
Technoblades POV
I finally finished planting some more potatoes and was happy but upset at the same time. I needed to find someone to marry. I fell into despair all over again. I started to walk back inside but something was off.
I ran inside and grabbed the closest sword and ran back out prepared to fight! Then I saw someone hot have the wall wearing a mask with a smiley face.
It's that guy from earlier. I thought to myself. Once he saw me he jumped down and attacked me but I blocked his attack and countered it.
"Well you took your time didn't you?" I asked with a smirk.
Welp that's the end of this chapter now I know this is supposed to be a love story but I promise we're getting to it. Well anyway HAVE AND AMAZING DAY OR NIGHT!!!
EDIT: forgot to add
1. Should the next chapter be the fight or back with Zelk? Comment or DM me to let me know
2. Should I make an alternate story where it's this storyline but I put myself in it like a superhuman and mess with their timeline? Comment or DM me to let me know!

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