Chapter 15

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Sophie was walking over to Foxfire's track for Cross Country practice. She had just endured the worst class ever. Biana had been out to get her all day. The first class that Sophie had after lunch wasn't that bad because Biana was still in the bathroom, but it was still bad because—well—it was class. Now, the second class Sophie had after lunch was Terrible, with a capital T. Biana had completely embarrassed Sophie.

First, she had tripped Sophie on her way into class, and Sophie had landed flat on her face. Her nose hit the hard tile floor and started bleeding. Sophie had asked to go to the nurse, but—of course—Biana told their teacher that she could walk Sophie to the nurse. Obviously Sophie declined that kind offer because she knew she would get beat-up even worse if she went with Biana to the nurse.

Then, Biana had a "coughing fit" when Sophie was trying to tell the teacher an answer to a question. So, Sophie screamed her answer so that the teacher could hear it, and right when she screamed Biana stopped coughing. Sophie literally screamed at the teacher. All of the students started laughing. It was so humiliating.

On top of that, Biana had more torture planned. She had written a pre-made note and decided to pass it to Sophie. That would have been fine if their current teacher wasn't one of those teachers. Their teacher would always read any notes that they saw getting passed, out loud. So of course the teacher saw Biana passing the note and read it to the whole class. The note had said, "Are you still going on that date with Jeffrey?" Sophie had been mortified because Jeffrey was one of those kids who picked his nose and hadn't learned that deodorant existed yet. Her face had turned nuclear as everyone laughed even harder than they did when she screamed. Sophie had wanted to curl-up in a ball and cry for the rest of class, but she knew she had to be strong. Bullies fed off of weakness. She just said lots of silent curses to Biana to make up for being strong.

Sophie snapped out of her rage inducing thoughts as she stumbled onto the track. That step from the ground to the track always snagged her shoe. She was not in the mood for falling, so she flailed until she regained her balance. After she re-balanced, she kicked the curb of the track.

"Why is the world out to get me?!" Sophie grumbled as she stubbed her toe during her attempted kick.

She set her purple backpack that she had since middle school down on the side of the track. She pulled her running shoes out of the bag and tied them on. She actually had to tie her running shoes because they would get messed-up if she didn't untie them. Any other shoe and Sophie would've just slipped it on, but these shoes were precious. They had cost around one hundred and fifty dollars.

     Sophie had already changed in the bathrooms next to the bleachers for the track. So, after she put her shoes on, she headed to where all the other Cross Country girls were huddled.

     Sophie wasn't really friends with any of them, other than Marella, so she felt awkward barging into their conversation. She just stuck with listening to it for now.

     "Did anyone see Maruca after she left the cafeteria?" One of the girls asked. Sophie didn't know the girl's name.

     Biana rolled her eyes. "Don't worry about her. She isn't good enough for us anyway. And you girls shouldn't talk to her either. Everyone will think you're a piece of trash like Maruca if you talk to her."

     Sophie was extremely confused. Biana was glaring like she hated Maruca, but Sophie could read girl's facial expressions well enough to know that Biana was lying. She could see right through that glare. Biana actually looked sad about what she did to Maruca. Her expression seemed to say, she'll be better off with nicer friends. She's too good for me.

     She didn't believe what she saw. That couldn't be true, so Sophie declared in her mind that she had misread Biana's expression. Biana and guilty are antonyms.

     Sophie was too bewildered by her thoughts to listen to what the other girls were saying.

     Eventually someone's voice pulled Sophie out of her state of confusion. "What do you think we're doing at practice today?" Marella's loud voice asked.

     "I have no clue."

     "Hm... maybe we're doing a lane 8 tempo run?" Marella inquired.

     "The day after another tempo run? That doesn't make much sense."

"Yeah, true. I was really looking forward to another day of tempo, though..." Marella said sarcastically.

"I was too," Sophie also stated sarcastically.

Then, the coach yelled into his megaphone, "Practice starts in 5, 4–come on, you have to do 50 push-ups if you're late—3, 2, 1 and a half, 1 and one quarter—hurry-up kids, I'm not waiting all day—1, 0!" And then the megaphone blared with the noise of police sirens.

Yay!! Another chapter! Sorry that I kinda cut this one a little short, I have to go to bed 😭😭. I was going to write all of Cross Country practice.

I hope you enjoyed that!! ❤️❤️❤️

Also, who here is obsessed with Stranger Things? I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!!

Also, did some of the sentences I wrote in this chapter not make much sense? I feel like some of them are worded really weird...

~Penguin out ❤️✌🏻

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