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A kid ran through the forest, He jumped over logs and dodged trees with such precision because he knew, if he did so much as trip up he would die. He smiled with glee as he turned his head to see a giant Alpha Beowolf chasing him, he dodged and weaved around trees as the beast shredded them sending little splinter bits flying at the child.

"IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!?" The child shouted, infuriating the beast.

They all told him he was too young, that he shouldn't pick fights with Grimm. But he didn't care. He did it anyway, because he needed to be stimulated. He wanted to be stimulated. So what better way then to pick a fight with an Alpha Beowolf since he found it fun. He looked forward an saw an open stretch of field. 

The kid dodged to the side feeling the wind flow by him as the Beowolf went flying past him into the field. He scrambled to his feet and looked at the Alpha as it up righted itself after it fell over. He looked at his arm, and saw his matching bracelets. He looked at the Beowolf again and held his fists up.

"Bring it" He muttered

The animal lunged at him and got a punch in the jaw throwing it backwards. The kid jumped forward to pursue it as it rolled forward and stomped it's tail into the ground.. The beast roared in agony and slashed at the air, managing to snag the kid's belly. He jumped back and winces slightly from the pain but didn't care. The Alpha Beowolf got up again with it's black aura rising from his body faster like smoke. 

"Come on pup. You are gonna have to do better than that!" The kid taunted again, the beast charged at him with terrifying new speed that frightened the young one but hardened his resolve.

The child jumped over the wolf and grabbed its tail as he landed. He dug his heels of his sneakers into the ground and held on as the Beowolf desperately tried to run forwards. Then using all his might he spun the Beowolf around each spin getting faster and faster. After a few minutes he heaved the giant beast as far as he could, sending it at least a mile away. 

The kid fell onto his butt and sighed as he wiped his forehead, it was soaked with sweat, as was his white shirt. Fighting that Beowolf was exhausting and he could barely move. His knuckles were red and bruised from punching the Alpha Beowolf, he thought it was a good workout however.

He heard another noise and jumped up, getting into another position and began praying that it was only a normal Beowolf. His fears were crushed when he watched three other boys around the same age as him jump from behind the trees. They all wore the same angry and tired expression.

The first one who spoke had messy brown hair and blue eyes. His skin was a nice pale color and he was pretty skinny, he wielded a staff on his back that had a sharp blade on the end of it. His blue jacket was covered with leaves and his jeans and sneakers were caked with mud and he looked angriest. 


"Jeez, calm down! You guys are perfectly fine, I did it to protect you." The kid said calmly.

"Actually you did it to fuel your addiction to adrenaline!" Said a kid who looked almost exactly like the first, only he had a green jacket and black shorts. "You always do!"

"He is right you know. We could've easily sneaked past it but you wanted to fight it." Said the other. He was wearing a black t-shirt and red sweatpants, his knives were sitting on his belt and he was fidgeting with his fingerless gloves. "You don't even have your weapon!"

"That Beowolf was going to discover us Max, and so what I wanted to fight it, that's what hunters and huntresses do. It's out name!" Explained the kid.

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