Chapter 6

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Kyle walked through the dorm space after waking up only 20 minutes earlier, he had grabbed his supplies and cleaned himself up when he first woke up. When he went to the dorms, Goodwitch handed him his tablet that he needed to get around and he asked if he was allowed to tinker with it. She said as long as it still functions as it is supposed to then it was fine.

So he put his tablet in his bag and walked over. He was about to pass their dorm rooms when he heard a loud whistle. He turned around and listened in on the conversation. He heard a familiar voice shouting at the top of her lungs. So he knocked on the door very lightly.

"What is it?" asked his sister Yang.

He put on his best fake voice and spoke, "Um. is this where two sisters, a mysterious woman, and an Ice Queen live?"

He heard Weiss mutter and knew that she was annoyed by his new name for her.

He heard everyone laughing and Ruby saying "You can come in" while laughing.

He opened the door and peaked in at the four girls laughing and talking about how funny/rude that name was. (Weiss was the only one talking about how rude it was).

"Umm is it ok to come in, or not?"

"No, no it's fine! We were just," Ruby stopped talking and stared at him wide-eyed as he walked into the room.

"Ruby are you ok you just sto-..." Yang and the others joined Ruby in the staring.

"Hi" He said awkwardly.

And then he was suddenly tacked by them and hugged him like never before, nearly crushing his rib cage.

"KYLE YOU CAME BACK!!" They all shouted in unison.

"Y-yeah, but you are crushing me." He strained.

They all got up and let go off him, and then they gave him a variety of apologies.

"Guys it's fine, I am ok!" he reassured them.

Then came the questions. So many questions and so many things that he needed to say.

"One at a time! One at a time!" He said quickly.

Ruby went first, "How are you still here?!?"

"Well that is a long story." He noted.

He explained his conversation with Ozpin to the four of them, he felt his ears getting a little hot mentioning his true feelings about them and how Ozpin reacted to them. By the time he was finished all the girls were looking at him with wide eyes.

"And that's how I am here." He finished.

"Awwww you care about us!" The girls swooned.

He began to blush profusely. He never thought that he would be in such a position like this. He looked around at the others and saw that they were all giggling.

"He looks so cute when he gets flustered." Yang noted.

"I AM NOT CUTE!!" He protested.

"Wait then why does he get flustered around me?" Blake asked with an amused expression.

"MOVING ON!!" He said quickly, "We need a new team name, me being on the team means that we need to figure out what we will call ourselves, and codenames.

"I wonder what to call us." Ruby puzzled.

"I know!!" He said suddenly, "RWBYK (RWBY Knight)!"

"Oh my god! SO COOL!!" Yang exclaimed.

"I like it." Blake agreed.

"Then RWBYK it is!" Ruby decided.

"Hmmph!" Weiss said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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