Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It was 8 in the morning and I didn't want to sleep in too late. Opening up my eyes, the sun was warm, bright, almost blinding

I reached over to my table, turning the alarm on my phone off; next. I started to stretch my arms a bit, wanting to help jumpstart my body to get my day started.

"Wonder if I can get a morning jog in before heading to the skateboard park later." As I thought this, I opened my closet up and looked at the shirts and hoodies to pick out my outfit for the day. 

"Jason, I put a plate of pancakes on the table for you." My mom told me from outside the bedroom.

"Thanks mom. I will be down in a minute."

I grabbed my sleeveless white T-shirt. Putting it on as it was fitted over my body. Then I reached for the top of my closest, pulling down my leather jacket, and sliding my arms through the sleeves. The jacket had belonged to my dad before he passed away 3 years ago. 

   I stepped back from the closest and closed the door shut. Wanting to make sure I looked alright, I headed into my bathroom and looked into the mirror. The first thing I did was look to see if my hair was messy, or if I needed to brush and comb it.

"Could brush it up a bit to be on the safe side." Looking into the mirror I saw my black hair was a bit messy from tossing and turning in my sleep, so I picked up my hairbrush.

After brushing my hair. I sprayed deodorant on my armpits. Not wanting them to stink, and so people around me wouldn't complain. Once I was all finished with that, I walked out of the bathroom and headed downstairs to eat. 

   "Syrup is in the food pantry. Fork and knife are next to your plate." My mom told me as she saw me walk down the stairs to the dining room. 

   "Yes ma'am." 

   As I finished heading downstairs. I went into the kitchen, going to where the food pantry was and opened the door. Seeing the three kinds of syrup we had: Strawberry, Caramel, and regular. I thought carefully about which type of Syrup I wanted and eventually concluded.

   "Caramel it is." I grabbed the middle syrup bottle.

"Got any plans for the day? Aside from going to the skateboard park later on." My mom asked me.

   "I plan on going for a jog after I eat." 

   I took the syrup over to my plate. Drizzling the caramel syrup onto my pancakes, and answering my mom's question. She smiled at me, her smile was heartwarming, genuine, and it was one of her best qualities if you asked me.

   Now that I had syrup on my pancakes. I started to sit down, pulling the chair back a bit, and taking the barely dull knife to cut into them. As I cut off pieces to eat, my mom got a call on her phone and went into the other room to answer it.

"Huh. Wonder who she could be on the phone with?" I thought to myself as I wiped my face with a paper towel. 

   "Jason, I got to go run some errands. Enjoy your job, and the skateboard park"

I nodded my head in response. Thinking that maybe she needed to go get some groceries or some other things she forgot to grab the other day. Once she left the house, I finished my pancakes and washed my dirty plate before heading out for my jog. 

   "Alright. Now to go get that exercise." 

   Opening the front door. I tried not to look directly at the sun and stepped outside the house. The front yard was freshly mowed, green, and easy to walk through. So I cut through the front yard, reaching the walkway, and starting my morning jog. 

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