Chapter 3

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Looking back at the two vans. I saw that they weren't giving up on pursuing me. I then checked my surroundings, seeing if I could spot an alleyway or any way to trick them.

Seeing an alleyway right up ahead. I decided to head into it, hoping it would hide me from them, and they would keep going. Closing in on the alleyway, I turned on my skateboard and hid in the shadow of the dumpster. 

"Come on please work." I thought to myself as I watched the vans; however, the vans slowed down and eventually came to a stop.

"Jason Snyder, we know you're there. So come on out, and things will be okay." I heard a masculine voice call out to me. 

I stayed behind the dumpster. Not wanting to step out from the shadow. I knew I couldn't exactly trust them, and that I'd be better off if I just stayed where I was.

  "What do you want from me?!" 

"We want to help you. We can cure you, after all. But only if you'd come with us." 

"Who's we?" I asked. 

"We are Syndicate. I will explain but right now you got to trust me and come with us." 

I thought to myself for a bit. Trying to see if that name rang a bell. It took me a while; however, I finally remembered that my dad had a case file on these guys back. 

Once I kinda recognized the name. I kept thinking for a moment, wanting to find a way out of this. That's when I also remembered that I did have that ability, but didn't know if it worked when I was wanting it to. 

"Syndicate? Never heard of you guys." I replied as I started to walk out from the shadow, wanting to trick them. 

"Only makes sense. We aren't big fans of publicity. Now just come with us and we can help you." 

I gulped as I clenched my fist. Trying to speed my heartbeat up, hoping it'd be something that would trigger my super-speed; consequently, it didn't seem to work as I wanted it to.


"Ah, I get it now. U thought that your power would give you the means to escape us. I assure you that it won't work like that. Newfound Supers usually take a while to adjust to their powers." I heard the masculine voice inform me.

"My mom always taught me not to trust strangers. So I am declining your offer." 

The masculine figure then had a grin on his face. I didn't like that much, it gave me a bad feeling and I didn't like bad feelings much either. Backing up the corner, I tried to find some way to escape.

I then made a run for the back of the alleyway. Thinking that maybe my powers would just activate. I closed my eyes, trying to focus, clenching my hands tightly.

"Fir-" I started to hear the man give a command, but it seemed that things around me were slowing down as my power had activated for a brief moment. 

"Yes ha take that." I laughed thinking I was in the clear. 

I then saw them walk forward. They weren't giving up still and were closing in on where I was standing. I honestly didn't know what else to do, so I decided to just throw my skateboard at them as my last-ditch effort. 

"You are a fool. We aren't going anywhere until you come with us. Either by your own choice or by force. So give it up and make this easier for us." 

I quickly looked behind me. Seeing if there were any cops nearby; however, my luck still failed me. I couldn't spot any cops coming my way, so I tried to call them while walking backward. 

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