Chapter 7

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After the upload was finished. I unplugged the USB, gripping it in my hand, and using my super speed to make it back to the others. Right as I made it out of the room, we heard the alarms go off.

   "Looks like we need to hurry and get out of here."

   "No. We can do this. It's time we stand and fight."

"I think Jason has a point." Jasmine chimed in "This might be our chance. We take them down now and it's all over." Jasmine then continued to say.

   We then saw a few guards come our way. Armed with guns, and the same attire as before. They seemed to be trying to corner us; however, it wasn't going to stop us.

I saw Miguel step forward. Fire engulfing his left hand, he was wanting to take the first shot. I stepped back, letting him, and also saw as Jasmine engulfed her right hand in ice.

   "We got this."

   "You bet we do." Jasmine remarked.

   I then saw as the agents fired at us. As they were firing at us; however, Miguel countered with his abilities. At that point, Jasmine used her ice to freeze their hands and get them to drop their weapons.

   "Watch ou-" I saw as one of the agents had a backup gun and was firing at Miguel, so I darted in front of the blast, and pushed him out of the way.

   "Are you alright?" I heard Jasmine ask me as I was blasted.

   "Yeah I am fine. It just got me a bit."

   "You shouldn't of been reckless like that" Miguel then continued to say "But thank you for saving me."

   Hearing Miguel actually thank me. It made me feel as maybe he's actually stating to open up to me. Which is a good thing, and I was glad he showed a bit of gratitude.

   After I was hit by their blaster. I brushed off most of the pain, standing up straight, and darting at them to steal their blasters. Wanting to outmatch the agents.

   "It's time to turn the tables." I thought to myself, triggering my ability, and trying my best to ignore the pain as I quicly grabbed two of their blasters.

   "Wow that's brave. But nic ejob. Now we can win this fire fight," Miguel commented.

   I handed the blasters to Christpher as he didn't have any abilities. Making sure he could protect himself, wanting him to be safe, and it only made sense. Now that we each had a way to fight our way through, we headed towards the exit, and fought our way to the Speed Cycles.

   "Good. I knew we could do this."

   "Right over there. That's the exit."I pointed out.

   We eventually made it out of the underground facility. Heading to our Speed Cycles, so we could escape while we still had the chance. Reaching our Speed Cycles; however, we were stopped by shards of diamonds that was blasted at one of the bikes.

   "Long time no see, Miguel." I looked to see a masclune figure stepped forward and was in range for me to hear what he was saying.

"Markus. Of course it'd be you. Who else would backstab us."

"Is that how you see it?! Because it's more like you all turned your back on me. Even now it looks you've moved on and found a new recruit."

   I was curious as to who was telling the truth. Miguel who mentioned Markus backstabbing them. Or Markus who said that it was actually the team who betrayed him.

   Miguel might've had some trust issues; however, he doesn't seem like someone who'd turn his back on others. I mean he did help save my life, and could've traded my life to free himself when we was at the lab. Markus, on the other hand, I didn't know a whole lot about.

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