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Remus Pov 

The Order had gotten a letter from one of the spies they had in the Death Eater's camp saying how they somehow had gotten a hold of Ron and Harry, who were roaming in their neck of the woods. Remus was chosen to go since they were people the other wizards didn't wanted to deal with. 

Remus had reached the castle that gave him the creeps. He knew who own the castle. A man named Scabior, who worked as the right hand man for Fenrir (the very man, who bit him when he was younger). He was having a hard time thinking of actually having to come face to face with Fenrir with everything that he had done wot him. Remus walked up to the door and knocked as loudly as possible. It didn't take long for the door to swing open and there was Marie. 

"Remus? Is that you dearie?" She asked, a light grin lifting up upon her lips. Remus nodded and let Marie wrap her arms around his waist as tightly as she could squeeze. 

"Oh, it's so good to see you! I haven't seen you since you were a pup! You gotten so tall and thin! Are you getting enough food in your system young man?" Marie questioned him. Remus chuckled while rubbing the back of his head. 

"I promise I am eating, Marie. I'm actually here to pick up some of our comrades that you found in the woods." Remus told her. Marie nodded before motioning for him to come into the castle. Remus walked in and noticed the castle hadn't changed a bit. It had large stone walls with marvelous artwork hanging in every nook and cranny. Most importantly there were tons of wolves, ranging from oldest to youngest, different races, and both wizard and non-wizard. Remus couldn't help but feel at home with the sight, but he kept his lips sealed. 

"This way, sweetie." Marie motioned him a certain way, "I sent some of the omegas to get your boys, they will meet you in the dining hall. You guys ought to be starving from your trip here." 

"Actually, Marie I had breakfast." Remus claimed. Marie turned her head as a light smirk crossed her lips. 

"Did you have any of my homemade biscuits and gravy?" Marie asked him. 

"You know what I am starting to get hungry, I wouldn't mind having some." Remus told her, earning her giggles before walking him towards the dining hall. He couldn't explain what she does, but she makes the most fluffiest biscuits and mouth-watering gravy that tasted like heaven when it reaches the tip of his mouth. Just as they were rounding the corner to the dining hall, a pair of men came dragging Harry and Ron right behind them.

"Here are your comrades, now beat it." the older man ordered before tossing Harry and Ron to Remus. Remus thankfully caught hold of the two or else they would have been slammed against the stone floor. Once Harry and Ron got their footing, they turned around to face the person. 

"What about Hermione? Is she coming with us?" Ron asked them. Remus shot a heated glare at the man as he walked around the boys and face the guy. 

"No one mentioned in the letter about Hermione being here as well! Mind explaining yourselves?" Remus growled at them. The man was about to come at Remus when Marie walked right in front of him. 

"Hey! I will talk with these three, you go back to training the pups!" Marie demanded while she kept her hands out to keep him distant from them. The man growled before storming out of the room. Marie slowly turned to them. 

"Why don't you three come with me so you can get some breakfast." Marie told them as Remus nodded and lightly nudge the boys over to the dining hall. 

Time skip 

"...and that is how we ended up in here." Harry finished the story to Remus. Remus rolled his eyes before rubbing his forehead. He couldn't believe what he just heard. Hermione had turned into a werewolf and is dealing with the changes he went through and on top of that not only does the second in command Beta seemed interested in her but also the Alpha. Remus knew that once an Alpha picks a mate, he sure as hell isn't going to be friendly of handing her over any time soon.  

"So what are we going to do? We can't leave Hermione with those creeps." Ron shot at them. Marie snapped her fingers at Ron. 

"Watch your tongue, young man! Never speak ill about Fenrir especially in his own home." Marie shouted at him before darting her eyes out of the door then turning her attention towards them, "There are people out there who are extremely loyal to Alpha and wouldn't think twice before ripping your throat out." 

"Marie is right about that." Remus confirmed, remembering a time when he visit and had overheard someone speak ill about Fenrir and got his whole limbs removed. Marie nodded before gazing at them. 

"Now, I understand where you guys are coming from with wanting to bring her home.  Remus might be able to talk him into it, but you will have to give him time. He would want to make sure you guys wouldn't try to steal her away or something." Marie explained to them. 

Harry and Ron just went eating their breakfast in silent, a little bit disappointed about what was happening. Remus finished up his breakfast as slow as possible. He knew there was a slim and nearly impossible chance of talking Fenrir into allowing Hermione a chance to be around with them. 

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