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Draco pov 

Draco woke up, staring up at the ceiling as pain rushed all around him. He gazed down at himself while the sight of him brought back horrible memories. His body started to recall all that Hermione did to him. The way it felt when she slammed himself against the ground, the feeling of her nails digging into his skin, her teeth piercing deep within the crook of his neck. He could feel her power over him, her strength to tear off a limb but she didn't. 

The most frightening part was her eyes. They weren't the beautiful calm brown eyes he was used to but a pair of haunting golden eyes that seemed to peered deep within his own soul and could see every flaw within himself. Draco rubbed his hands around his broken arm, remembering the power of Hermione's teeth digging deep into it and without mercy snapped the bone in two. He was shocked to see that it was nearly fixed and so were most of the cuts on his body. He was running his hands over his body when the doors swung opened to reveal a nurse walking in. 

"You will probably need these oils. They will aid with removing tense muscles. I find them best for new werewolves. Makes the first transformation go more smoothly." The nurse claimed to the person behind her while she walked over a cabinet. Draco's eyes widened when they landed on who the person she was talking to was. 

Hermione stood just a foot away from the nurse, who handed Hermione a couple of bottles of some kind of oil. Draco could feel his heart start to pound within his chest out of fear. He never felt this way around Hermione. He was always disgusted and furious with the sight of her (and he had to admit sometimes turned on ever since she hit puberty). But now, he couldn't bring himself to let the insult of Filthy Mudblood at her for fear of her jumping on him and start to rip into him again. 

Draco couldn't help but feel a sudden desire to rush over to her side and shove himself into her. It was like a heat wave rushing through him with the sight of her in that loose top and tight jeans. He experience dirty thoughts about Hermione once every blue moon which usually he shoved to the side, however, this time he felt a strong urge to actually play them out. Draco was snapped out of his thoughts when the nurse's voice echoed out. 

"I see someone is getting better." The nurse said while she moved over towards where Draco was. Draco shot his eyes away when he noticed Hermione's eyes landed right on him. He couldn't explain why he felt this strong embarrassment of Hermione seeing him like this. Worthless, unable to defend himself even against her, and actually whimpered like a baby. Draco felt his shirt opened by the nurse who went pressing her hands against his chest to chest any other bruises and cuts. 

"Your ribs are fixed, that's good. A thing a few more healing potions will do the trick." she claimed before turning around ready to put the potions on when Hermione spoke up. 

"I can do it." Hermione told the nurse. Draco could feel himself burning up as he watched the nurse hand the potions to Hermione while teaching her how it's done. Draco's heart was beating so fast, he thought it was going to jump out of his system at any moment. Soon the nurse vanished from the room leaving Draco alone with Hermione. 

"Okay, I need you to remove your shirt." Hermione said bluntly. Draco could already feel his head shaking violently. Draco wasn't scared of Hermione rubbing the potion on him, he was scared that he will make the wrong move and she will go on guard by biting at him. His racing thoughts were cut short when he felt Hermione's fingers removing his shirt. His cheeks turned a scarlet red as he watched her drench her hands in the oils, rubbing it together on her hands before gently placing them against his chest. 

Draco could feel a sudden rush of heat down his lower regions, which seemed to get hotter with every motion of Hermione's hands on his chest. He could feel her smooth hands going up and down his chest around his neckline (even up his neck) and shoulders. All the movements were driving him insane! He wanted to say filthy things to her, call her Mudblood, however, he couldn't. He didn't know if it was fear or his heated moment, but his teeth kept dug into his lower lip as tightly as they could. 

That was until he felt Hermione's hands reach down lower, which caused his lips to open wide and moan, a little drool slipping down his lips. Hermione removed her hands away from his chest as she blushed herself. 

"Is everything okay?" Hermione asked. Draco nodded that he was okay, but couldn't actually explained what happen. Personally, he didn't know. Hermione nodded before returning her hands on his chest, this time more slowly in hopes to not causing him moan. However, the movements were even harsher. The slow movements caused Draco to want to scream for her to speed up, to run them everywhere she wanted to even if it met in his pants. Draco then felt his blush increase when he felt his prick start to rise a bit. Draco was about to speak when someone else spoke up for him. 

"What the bloody hell is this?" Scabior asked, causing Draco to panic with the sight of an angry Scabior. He was dressed in a pair of pants and a button shirt with the buttons all undoned so that his chest was revealed. Hermione turned around to face Scabior while she pointed to Draco. 

"I thought I would make up ripping him apart by putting the healing potion on him." Hermione explained to Scabior. Scabior though did not change his expression of being pissed. He slowly moved over to the two as he snapped his fingers at Hermione. 

"Fenrir needs you love. He wants to help you put on those heated oils." Scabior told her. Hermione nodded before standing up and waving Draco goodbye. Once Hermione was gone, Draco didn't know when or how but he suddenly felt a pair of hands wrapped around his throat. Draco started to gasp as panic started to pulse through his veins. 

"Trying to steal my mate are you? I know it's okay with mates to share, but I'm already sharing her with Alpha, boy. At least, I know he's willing to play games with Hermione. However, I refuse to share her with a worthless. good for nothing, little pup like you! So I hope you enjoyed what she gave you, because she's not going to lay another finger on you unless it's ripping your guts out! Do I make myself clear?" Scabior warned him. 

Draco nodded his head in agreement before Scabior flung him back down against the bed before walking towards the door. 

"If I catch you trying to mate with her, I will personally rip your tiny balls off and hang them as decorations." Scabior threatened while walking out of the room. Once he was gone, Draco felt himself start to cry, knowing he probably wasn't going to make it out of this pack alive. 

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